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Some say our sense that life means something is an illusion, or that it would be an illusion if there were no god. Some say free-will is an illusion. These […]
Social protest may be the most difficult type of event for journalists to cover, especially when the protest offers few visible leaders or concrete policy goals and when much of […]
Last month, I was invited to Syracuse University by the local affiliate of the Secular Student Alliance, where I spoke on the topic of atheism and morality. I’m happy to […]
The current model of China manufacturing cheap goods for American consumers could soon be history. In the meantime, the human cost of the transition to the robot economy continues to be deeply disturbing, as evidenced by the ongoing drama at Foxconn. 
Every Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below […]
Who owns the Twitter followers you accumulate while working for an employer? This is the question under consideration in new lawsuit filed by against former employee Noah Kravitz. Whether […]
In today’s excerpt – a disruption in history. Most people assume that history is a gradual continuum from the past to the present, each century being a little better and […]
I recently revisited What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis and was struck by how it spoke to me about the needs of today’s schools. Here are a few points […]
The Wall Street Journal has a generally positive view of Santorum’s pro-growth policies.  But here’s a tough criticism: Most disappointing is the Pennsylvanian’s proposal to triple the tax credit for […]
The conservative conundrum regarding the Romney candidacy is the result of our plurality voting system that isn’t flexible enough to accurately measure voter preferences. While this system is adequate for a head-to-head race, it is deeply problematic when there are multiple candidates.
Mitt Romney and Dennis Kucinich agree on very few things, but both agree New Hampshire deserves to keep its status as the first primary in presidential nominating contests. Why New Hampshire?