Video! See My Speech at Syracuse

Last month, I was invited to Syracuse University by the local affiliate of the Secular Student Alliance, where I spoke on the topic of atheism and morality. I’m happy to announce that video of that talk is now available, in three parts, which I’ve embedded below. The talk is about 25 minutes long, with Q&A following.
Syracuse Speech: Atheism and Morality (1/3) from Adam Lee on Vimeo.
Syracuse Speech: Atheism and Morality (2/3) from Adam Lee on Vimeo.
Syracuse Speech: Atheism and Morality (3/3) from Adam Lee on Vimeo.
I realize the video is from an odd angle – my apologies for that. It was being recorded by two cameras, and one of them didn’t function as expected, so it was fortunate we had a backup. But even if you don’t have a clear view of my devastatingly handsome features, I think the audio is clear enough.
Thanks again to everyone at Syracuse for inviting me! I’ll soon be announcing additional speaking events for 2012 (including one especially exciting one!), so stay tuned to this blog for details.