Peter Hitchens has written two furthercomments on my previous post, in one of which he states that he’ll be bowing out of the debate from this point on. So be […]
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If you want to start your own company, a startup incubator may have more to offer than an MBA program. Incubators are cheaper, can help you start your business faster and give you seed money.
I’ve previously written about the case of Jessica Ahlquist, an incredibly brave young atheist from Rhode Island who’s the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging an unconstitutional “School Prayer” banner […]
Big companies cannot afford to rest on their laurels so, besides buying up smaller ones, they must continue to innovate. Here are three case studies from Starbucks, and UPS.
Whatever you think of the candidates’ personalities, they have led a lot of people and solicited a lot of money to get where they are. Here is what their leadership styles are like.
I’d be happy to make a bet with real money that Marx was just plain wrong about immiseration, and will continue to be proved wrong.
Anything “organic” or “low-fat” must be good for you, right? Ask people how fattening those organic chocolate-covered peanuts are, and they’ll guess a lower number than they did for the […]
Bravo to Janaka Stucky, whose new article in Poetry on struggling independent bookstores is both the most sensible and inspiring thing I’ve read on the subject. Stucky concedes what everyone in […]
Not everything at the Consumer Electronics Show is a quirky gadget. The announcement of new genome sequencing technology edges toward a medical benchmark: the $1,000 genome.
In each generation, our most brilliant thinkers lay the foundations on which lesser lights will build a new, bloated bureaucracy of the mind. Can experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats help us break the cycle?
A new search tool debuted by Google further incorporates social networking into the everyday Internet experience. Twitter is worried its news results will get less attention as a result.
Sabermetrics shows us that every time Tim Tebow touches the ball he costs his team points in comparison to the performance of the average NFL quarterback. And yet, he wins.
You’re better off buying directly from a local farmer you know rather than rely on all the useless paperwork that accompanies certified-organic produce to market. Either that or just buy regular food.
Mitt Romney’s convincing victory in New Hampshire—exit polls showed him winning in a wide variety of key groups—made him the first non-incumbent Republican in years to win both Iowa and […]
The trend at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show is connectivity. Car makers want to integrate your smartphone into their autos, paving the way for automated driving.
Most career-oriented managers approach their annual performance reviews hoping to get useful feedback about what they need to do to increase their chances of getting promoted. But more often than […]
Once limited to making one-off prototypes, 3D printers are advancing rapidly. Already they are used to make durable airplane parts and may be used to revolutionize architecture.
A British company has begun manufacturing a fully functional computer expected to retail for $35. With an easily-hacked operating system, the goal is to inspire computing innovation.
Mitt Romney has run an Obama style campaign with a NASA space launch level of attention to detail. By comparison, most of Romney’s opponents, who insist that they are the […]
As soon as you say ‘failure is not an option,’ you’ve just said ‘innovation is not an option.’ – Seth Godin, The Flip Side Download this file: pngpptx See also […]
Crowd-funding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have become a huge phenomenon in the tech & geek space in 2011. The idea behind those platforms is pretty simple. People who want […]
If you know the name of artist Chris Burden, you probably think pain: shooting, electrocution, and even crucifixion. Although Burden ended his agonizing exploits over 35 years ago, those performance […]
The polarized state of American politics has once again brought speculation and claims about a rising tide of anti-science in America and an attack on reason. The prominence of such […]
Are we born with a sense of morality?
What’s the Big Idea? In a 2011 interview, physicist Stephen Hawking declared, “I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail.” Of course, the […]
A new study is out that shows the influence of the oil and gas lobby over Congress, especially when it comes to approving the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the Gulf.
This February, the International Space Station will receive its first privately-built visitor, an unmanned Dragon capsule built by SpaceX, which eventually will carry astronauts aboard.
Building on work of the Kepler mission, which has discovered Earth-sized exoplanets, NASA is funding three new projects that will carry our search for habitable worlds even further.
— Guest post by Declan Fahy, AoE Science and Culture Correspondent (Twitter @fahydeclan) The media largely failed to give a measured account of its role in Stephen Hawking’s life and […]
By 2017, buying a ticket to space will be like ‘scheduling a flight to L.A.’, say members of the airline industry. Flights to space are scheduled to take off this year from a spaceport in New Mexico.