The international body that controls decisions over how to count time may decouple atomic clocks from the movement of the Earth around the Sun. That could mean problems down the line.
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The world’s second largest economy can trace its roots back to a document stored in the roof of a mud hut.
My first introduction to newspaper reading was the Sunday comics. Stretched out on the floor beside my Dad, both of us propped up on our elbows, we read everything from […]
Credit-rating agencies were among the bogeymen of the global financial crisis, and for good reason. Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, Fitch, and others failed to appraise the real risks of billions […]
Thursday, January 19 is when Apple will announce its development of new educational technology. User-friendly interactive electronic textbooks could seriously disrupt the publishing business.
In April of 2010 I wrote my first blog about Greece in which I suggested that €30 billion would not solve or even impact the Greek problems. In that same […]
A splendid example of ge-hog-raphy
By privatizing facets of general knowledge via intellectual property laws, digital technology is transforming society’s hierarchy. Now salaried employees are protesting against capitalism.
The controversial social analyst Charles Murray has written an important book on the unprecedented class divide in America today. The link is to an article summarizing the book’s key arguments. […]
In a tumultuous year of social unrest stemming from the lack of economic opportunities, it should come as no surprise that income disparity rose to the top as a major threat to global economic stability.
Every Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below […]
After watching a Republican presidential debate, I often look for something factual to read as an antidote to all of the distortions and lies the candidates spew about the Obama […]
Two days ago Babbel, one of the language learning communities I had previously covered here on Disrupt Education, turned 4. I remember that I found the project on Facebook, connected […]
Australian director Baz Luhrmann wants to take 3D films past gimmickry into a new cinema of intimacy. In making “The Great Gatsby”, he faces the double challenge of adapting a formidable novel.
By 2016, the lines that separate online shopping from actual shopping will be erased and the world will have its first ‘cashless generation’ as demand for paper currency wanes.
Today we are remembering less information than ever and our memories are online for all our friends to see. But remembering is a personal event—do we want to experience it collectively?
The world is increasingly taking notice of the turmoil brewing in Israel, where a growing culture war between the rest of Israeli society and the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, or “haredim”, […]
To the mathematically disinclined: what tools, tips, or tricks have you found especially helpful for balancing your books, staying on top of debt, and planning for the future?
University of Pennsylvania economist Justin Wolfers, whose work with Betsey Stevenson I cited in my recent post on why economic growth is a moral imperative, sat down recently to talk […]
Innumeracy, in a data-driven age, means ceding control and understanding of an substantial chunk of yourself – your online reputation, the scores that colleges and employers use to screen out undesirable candidates – to others.
Think of finance and management expert Zvi Bodie as the benevolent, numerate uncle you never had.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Americans know today is a watered down version of the force that he once was.
Recently disclosed intelligence memos tell of how Israel’s intelligence agency impersonated CIA officers during the Bush administration, making Iran think that the US was killing its citizens.
In the climactic final act of Verdi’s opera La traviata, the heroine Violetta is on her deathbed, stricken with tuberculosis. Suddenly her estranged lover Alfredo returns to her side and […]
The current state of the newspaper industry is unsettled at best: more than two hundred newspapers have either folded or stopped publishing their print editions since 2007. Even the most […]
UN aid programs that encourage the development of local communities and their economies help create self-sustaining families, cities and countries. In 10 years, Ghana could be off aid.
The overarching metanarrative that always comes to mind when I think about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is not race but justice. I am a little ambivalent about the Martin […]
In today’s excerpt – thanks to the work of Daniel Kahneman and others, we now increasingly view our cognitive processes as being divided into two systems. System 1 produces the […]
Guest post by Samantha Eliza Benten The Law of Non-Contradiction, as stated by Aristotle: “One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same […]
Five years ago this June, Cormac McCarthy appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Given McCarthy’s legendary reticence (he had done only one major interview in the past, with the New […]