Using technology is like having sex. We like the fun, the feelings, and the connection with others. But if aren’t mindful of downstream consequences like having babies, spreading disease, and dealing with psycho ex-lovers, we can end up in situations that we never anticipated.
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Is looking for radio transmissions in space like claiming the lack of smoke signals means there are no modern humans? “[W]hat Fermi immediately realized was that the aliens have had […]
Many of us need to share where we were on 9/11, and telling our story may be the best way for us to heal.
Thanks, New Horizons. You’re our favorite deep-space, Pluto-passing probe.
Researchers are looking for signs of life in different places: in their destruction, like that of a nuclear apocalypse.
Mental effort is contagious.
The sleep of reason brings forth monsters. So does the sleep of imagination.
Dark matter makes up the vast majority of mass in the Universe, and most of it is unknown. But not all of it. “A cosmic mystery of immense proportions, once […]
If there’s only one Higgs, no unexpected decays and no new fundamental, heavy particles, it might all be over. “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All […]
Elon Musk says nuking Mars would get it nice and toasty for humans. Is that really within the realm of possibility?
The obvious answer is yes, of course. But they often do not show it.
Researchers hope training machines to the test will allow for advances in imbuing software with basic common sense.
Words of wisdom from writer, producer, and actor Rod Serling: “It is said that science fiction and fantasy are two different things. Science fiction is the improbable made possible, and fantasy is the impossible made probable.”
Hillary Clinton continually tweaks her public image, but there is a greater cost to not knowing who you are: We don’t know, either.
It’s good to know that a shift in thinking can help us to combat the effects these images hold over us, but it’s difficult to maintain this forever.
It took a 160-strong response team of paramedics, firefighters, and rescue workers to get the chaotic scene under control.
Getting past your feelings is the first step to overcoming life’s problems. Wallowing in your emotions only holds you back.
Leaders at the Federal Reserve will meet later this month to discuss potential rate hikes that have most experts and economists split.
It happened 500 years ago — and again in the 19th century.
Work isn’t life, but it is certainly not in a company’s best interest to de-prioritize itself for the sake of its workers. What’s the solution?
How many things do you firmly believe because you read it in the papers or saw it on the news?
Since being jailed last week for contempt of court, Kim Davis has emerged as a heroine for the conservative Christian Right.
There are lots of wrong reasons out there, but only one that matters. “The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in […]
Or did you not even realize you were being watched.
Maycomb is not on any map of the real world, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be mapped.
As children become more overscheduled, playtime decreases and the pressure to achieve increases. The cost of that trade-off is high.
Words of wisdom from Abraham Lincoln: “Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion, can change the government, practically just so much.”
SAT scores are the lowest they’ve been in a decade, so we’re making the test easier to take. What does that say about our data-obsessed culture?
Human population will rise to 9.7 billion by 2050 and further still to 11.2 billion by 2100. Not to mention global warming.
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