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Students and professors of business are considering a Hippocratic Oath for MBA students in response to the out and out amorality perpetuated recently in the name of business.
Though currently too expensive for mass production, new computing technology is replacing electrons and copper wiring with photons that can carry information at light speed.
A new debate is rising in education about the extent to which science and religion are compatible and how the limits of science, if there are any, should be taught in the classroom.
Psychologist Stephen Diamond writes that the recent string of violence across China could be related to personal stress brought on by the financial pressures of a more competitive economy.
Richard Posner and Gary Becker account for the sluggish economic recovery with reference to the housing market, mounting public debt, fear of regulation and the E.U. debt crisis.
Facing rising tuition rates, a growing number of economists and educators think more vocational training could help American students to find gainful employment.
Steve Chapman defends the right of suspected terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns on Second Amendment grounds and because the list is notoriously fallible.
Inadequacy, rather than being shameful, can be a healthy emotion in romantic relationships when it motivates partners to care more for each other.
“To support growth in the next decade, we need to nourish our walkable urban spaces and neighborhoods” with accessible public transport and quality infrastructure, writes the Atlantic.
“It seems sensible to make every effort to enlist the body’s own ability to heal itself—which is what, at bottom, placebos seem to do,” writes the Boston Globe.
In the wake of the financial crisis, many new metrics are being proposed that will measure living standards in a new and different way from the conventional Gross Domestic Product calculation.
While raising a child should be done with love and care, we need not think a few bad “formative years” dooms someone to a dysfunctional or psychologically tormented life.
“Regulations that raise the price of a new car shut some buyers out of the market. So tougher federal rules may have the perverse effect of leading to more traffic fatalities,” writes Steve Chapman. “
Using virtual reality, scientists in Europe put men in females’ bodies to measure how our own physical appearance affects our thoughts and behavior.
Robert Fisk writes that the Canadian government is complying with unfair American actions to ban journalists from reporting on the Guantanamo Bay military prison.