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I didn’t want to write this, but then I don’t want to write most of the things I do: I shouldn’t need to tell anyone why thinking gay marriage will […]
In the hours following the deaths of more than 50 Egyptians in Cairo earlier today there were wildly divergent accounts of what actually happened. Here is a summary, from Wendell […]
Walter Russell Mead, one of the most expert bloggers around, gives the most realistic explanation I’ve seen on how MOOCS—those massive online courses—will affect higher education. They won’t, in fact, […]
The increasing desertification of Africa, thought to be a product of climate change, creates resource shortages which in turn give rise to armed militas intent on controlling their distribution.
Theo Caldwell recently appeared on FOX, telling Tucker Carlson that he could no longer make fun of Canada as “our socialist little buddy to the north.” 
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”—truer (and more gender, class, and race specific) words were never written by a group of rich, white, […]
Individuals who meditate benefit from an increased flow of oxygen to the brain. Now scientists believe that meditation can confer benefits on others, even if they do not meditate themselves.