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The lahars and mudslides near Nevado del Huila – or, in particular, the threat of more – have prompted more evacuations. Although the known death toll from the eruption and […]
nn My blogging frequency might be a little scattershot for the next few weeks thanks to the American Geophysical Union Winter Meeting in San Francisco (if you’re at the meeting, […]
nn nnnnnn I’m a little behind on the news after spending the weekend field tripping at Lassen Peak. I’ll be catching up soon, but to tide you over, here is […]
nn Reports from Russia indicate that Klyuchevskoy, Russia’s largest volcano, is erupting. It sounds like it might not be just a murmur as Alexei Ozerov from the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology […]
Sorry about the dearth of posts. It has been a busy week here in Davis and I’ve been a little distracted by the upcoming election. Combined with the relative lack of volcano […]
nn El Reventador, the composite volcano in Ecuador, has been producing explosions and ash for the last few days, so says reports from the country’s  Geophysics Institute. El Reventador is only […]
nn Redoubt Volcano, in Alaska, is one of the more troublesome volcanoes in the state. Not only is it relatively close to population centers, but it also lies directly within […]
nn As you could probably figure out, sometimes there isn’t much new volcano-related news out there in the get interwebs. I’ve been trying to think of ways to fill in […]