All you need are clear skies, a telescope, and a plan. Make it a great one. “For my confirmation, I didn’t get a watch and my first pair of long […]
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Humor begets humor, and laughter results in more open teamwork and more creative ideas.
Be careful what you say around your smart TV. If it’s equipped with a microphone, it could be recording and saving your private conversations.
There may be some connection between excessive shopping and hunger, and some researchers think it can extend beyond grocery stores to non-food items.
If you want to build a strong brand, you need to have loyal consumers. In order to get that, you’ll need to create something meaningful for people to associate with your logo.
Just as a Roman household needed slaves, so companies need staff.
Author Michael Schrage argues that the most successful forms of innovation are ones that include investments made in the human-capital capabilities of a company’s customer base. Henry Ford and his impact on driving culture is a good example.
Paris-based startup NewWind R&D has built a prototype of a wind turbine that emulates a tree. The design allows for even the lightest wind to be utilized.
Data just released by the VoIP app Viber indicates that the Spanish exchanged more love-related stickers in 2014 than any other nationality.
Sleepless nights filled with anxiety about the day’s events buzzing through our minds could be helped through a little mindful meditation every day.
Not all bad bosses are mean, says The Seattle Times’ Lisa Quast. Most are simply not invested in their work. Employees who want to extract value from the relationship need to adopt strategies for communication.
For older adults, music or background noise may hinder their efforts to focus on putting names with faces, according to a recent study.
Life coach and author Tara Sophia Mohr shares her insight on the strategies necessary for helping girls reach their full leadership potential.
Our reliance on technology is hurting our memories — we load names, dates, and numbers into our smartphones that we cannot recall on our own. However, this offloading of information allows us to free up cognitive space to learn more.
As comets approach near the Sun, they develop tails. Watch it happen. “In the year 1456 … a Comet was seen passing Retrograde between the Earth and the sun… Hence I […]
The author of a now 30-year-old article thought he was writing the obituary of the laptop computer. Such wrongness makes you wonder what current underrated technology could be compared to the once-maligned laptop.
Author Steven Kotler explains the basic tenets of exponential technology growth cycles. Understanding these will allow savvy entrepreneurs to gain an advantage over their competition by way of exponential entrepreneurship.
Were it not for the vitamins added to our food, the famously unhealthy American diet would be more difficult to sustain — perhaps forcing us to eat healthier, fresher foods.
“I discovered that rejections are not altogether a bad thing. They teach a writer to rely on his own judgment and to say in his heart of hearts, ‘To hell with you.'”
Perhaps in an attempt to compete with disruptors like Airbnb, some hotels are upping their game by incorporating new technology with regard to facilities and amenities.
It’s the richest lottery game in the USA. When is it worth it to play? “I’ve done the calculation and your chances of winning the lottery are identical whether you […]
The list of 200,000 Mars One hopefuls has been whittled down to 660 lucky people. So, what kind of people would make the final roster? Crazy-intelligent risk takers.
The design of a product — how easy it is to pick up and hold — may influence our choices in the grocery store more than we think.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University are experimenting with an electrode-fitted cap designed to improve the wearer’s thinking skills.
Winning a competition or completing a challenge causes your brain to release dopamine. Game makers can elicit more positive reactions from players by designing toward this end.
In the age of Tinder, it can be deceptively easy to spend a boatload on going on dates. Instead, try the more casual route. It doesn’t need to be expensive; just well thought-out.
Managing a classroom is an underrated skill that can be honed with strategies that encourage participation without intimidating students.
Folks in the American Northeast need to monitor their behavior and emotions to avoid suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Author Bruce Feiler explains why arranging a 15-20 minute meeting each week will boost the happiness factor for everyone in the family.
All long-term relationships take commitment and work. New York Mag’s Ann Friedman points out that the relationship you have with yourself is by far the longest you’ll ever have. So work on it.