It’s getting to be that time of year. At some point in the next couple of weeks, on a particularly warm and sunny day, I’m going to suddenly find myself […]
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When evangelist Franklin Graham—son of the better known Billy Graham—had his invitation to the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service rescinded after Muslim members of the military complained about comments […]
“Who is Nick Clegg?” I hear you ask? Well, actually I don’t really hear many of you asking at all. And you may be forgiven. Until a week ago he […]
There have been countless fictional portrayals of fake American presidents in pop culture. From the alien-battling President Thomas Whitmore in “Independence Day” to hopeless romantic President Andrew Shepherd in “the […]
Milan Kundera wrote that “we can never really know what to want because, living only one life, we can neither compare it with our previous lives, nor perfect it in […]
“Suck it up, suck it up, suck it up,” is the refrain taught to members of the U.S. Navy. But despite their often-stoic exteriors, soldiers are real people with real […]
Why don’t we see any Tea Party protests on Wall Street? Why don’t we hear any inflamed rhetoric from Tom Tancredo castigating the chairmen of investment banks who are enjoying […]
Ernst Weizsäcker, Co-chair of the U.N. International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, believes that we could be doing five times better than we are when it comes to addressing global […]
For Matthew Malin and Andrew Goetz, a business was born from a bar of soap. For most of his life, Goetz washed his face, body, hair and shaved with the […]
Anti-whaling countries could issue a number of allowances to countries defying a moratorium on whaling—potentially limiting the total number of whales being slaughtered each year.
Researchers doing a statistical analysis of dinosaur fossils have discovered that the entire western interior of the United States was populated by a single community of dinosaurs.
How will the effects of climate change impact politics in America over the next 25 years? Internal migrations could “open up all sorts of new routes to the magic number, 270.”
Many are beginning to acknowledge that disease-specific health campaigns in Third World countries can only work if they also strengthen the health systems in those nations.
When undersea eruptions destroy life around hydrothermal vents—the intersections of tectonic plates—new species travel from as far as 200 miles away to repopulate the area.
Behind the scenes at the German-language version of Wikipedia, a small cadre of dedicated volunteers gets into bitter disputes over what is true and what isn’t.
“Requiring derivatives and synthetic securities to be registered would be simple and effective; yet the legislation currently under consideration contains no such requirement,” writes George Soros.
“Most people who appear phenotypically ‘black’ enjoy neither the privilege nor the inclination to play around on a government form designed to track and remediate generations of prejudice,” writes Patricia Williams.
Subjects who dreamed about a virtual reality maze that they had been in a few hours earlier were quicker to get out of it the second time they were tested.
President Obama can reshape the debate over “the idea that the descendants of American slaves should receive compensation for their ancestors’ unpaid labor and bondage,” writes Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Sue Lowden thinks we should barter with doctors for our medical care. Lowden—currently the leading Republican candidate to challenge the very-much-in-trouble Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in the fall—says […]
The most recent recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning is Mark Fiore, a freelancer whose only medium is electronic. His iPhone app was rejected long before he was […]
It might soon be hard to find a discounted Louis Vuitton bag on eBay, thanks to a ruling made by the European Commission this week. The new regulations, which come into […]
While he’s kept his profile remarkably low since leaving office, President George W. Bush has been thrust back into the spotlight of late, both with and without his consent. It […]
Conservative Christians used their lobbying muscle to create a gaping loophole in health care reform’s individual mandate, reports Sarah Posner in the American Prospect. Members of so-called Health Care Sharing […]
The second week of Britain’s General Election campaign ended with many commentators – and even more voters – yawning and complaining that this is fast becoming the most boring General […]
“The laughter is unlike most settings you’ll find.The level of intensity, the adrenaline, the stakes are incredible.I mean, it is addictive.” As an actor and playwright, you might think John […]
If you have been reading the op-ed pages lately, you have begun to notice in the last week or so that a subtle change in their rhetoric is taking place. […]
Imagine how different your life would be if next Earth Day a year from now, you supplied the power to this computer—by pedaling, churning or dancing. The way these students […]
Yesterday, Facebook’s 25 year old co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a plan to socialize the Web. You can now carry around your network of friends wherever you go in Cyberspace. Of course, how much you like the idea depends on if you like your identity and if you like your friends. Do you?
This week’s New Yorker contains extraordinary, and extremely moving, letters written by Saul Bellow to other novelists. Bellow was, for many critics and readers, primus inter pares in American twentieth […]