When employers make salary strictly confidential it makes employees complicit in the equality of wages. For employees to discuss salary and wages with co-workers has always been something that was discouraged, if not formally forbidden.
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I’ve long argued that there’s a natural alliance betweenatheism and feminism, for the same reason that there’s a natural alliance between atheism and GLBT activism: because we all understand what […]
The course of anti-semitism from ancient times to now has been written about and discussed, but the authors have come up short in one way or another. The true root of this 2,000-year-old history has yet to be truly contextual, comprehensive, detailed and analytical in a manner that is coherent.
The number of foreigners moving to China for work or school is growing each year. In 2010, more than 200,000 foreigners have been reported living there. But why does China keep expats under a microscope
BIG THINKER Daniel Honan reminds us that Mayor Bloomberg is not in any obvious sense an ideologue. He’s just about using the power of government to curtail behavior that costs the […]
Many things are offensive, if not very offensive, but there are many that we allow for the sake of individual liberty’s continuation in Western society. Thus, a joke, a cartoon, […]
When it comes to cancer, there may be more to fear than fear itself, but our negative emotions do have an adverse impact on our health, says risk analyst David Ropeik.
Neuroscientists at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have published the first set of data which they collected by examining thin slices of a mouse’s brain to create a 3D diagram.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments to my last post, “Are You A Paster, Presentist, Or Futurian?” Some readers proclaimed their temporal orientation with pride. Others shared insights into […]
Anecdotal evidence has long associated genius with mental instability but new neurological research suggests there is a solid biological reason why psychosis inspires creativity.
A new medical device built by a Jerusalem-based company will go before the FDA soon for approval. Treatment involves wearing a helmet with strong magnets wired to electricity.
While we tend to think high-profile liars like Bernie Madoff are the rotten apples who spoil the bunch, but most good people are quite willing to cheat because they see their transgressions as small.
What’s the Big Idea? At TEDxSummit 2012, Hans Rosling predicted that mankind’s population threshold will be 10 Billion people. His talk was entitled Religion and Babies, as his goal was […]
Ever since I moved to Big Think last October, the changes are coming faster and faster. And now, the next big one is right around the corner! Following in the […]
A gene that causes certain drugs to have adverse effects in patients has been identified by researchers. The discovery allows doctors to seek a new way to screen prior to administering medication.
A recent study suggests the number of people diagnosed with cancer will increase dramatically over the years. Those affected by the incurable disease could be determined by the economic status of where they live.
British researchers say that government banning on mind-altering drugs interferes with their experimental studies, which could lead to the discovery of new treatment options.
Studies reveal that eating dark chocolate on a daily basis could lower risks of cardiovascular issues. Yes that’s right, a guilty pleasure to feel healthy about.
Buying California Cabernet to share with your newborn on her 21st birthday? You’re doing it wrong….
A recent study indicates the evolution from promiscuity to monogamy among humans began in ancient times by the choices of low-ranked men and faithful women. Today humans continue to repeat this cycle, but the variables are slightly different.
Even if we develop technologies that preserve our lives forever, we should still decline the offer, says metaphysician Stephen Cave. Meaningful lives require a time limit, he argues.
Critics of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to ban the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in convenience stores, movie theaters and street carts are having a […]
Many of our cities still bear the scars from past centuries’ segregation policies. So new urban movements want to take advantage of urban population growth to make the city a better place.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not an ideologue. New Yorkers tend to like him and give him the benefit of the doubt because his motivations seem transparently rational. He […]
“Are great musician born or made?” That question was posed by Gary Marcus, who at the age of 38, wondered if he could overcome a lifetime of musical failure – […]
Charging a $100,000 membership fee for an online dating site could be a great way to profit off men who want to signal their wealth to potential mates. But the […]
It was not coincidental that Donald Rumsfeld was in New York City recently on the occasion of Henry Kissinger’s 89th birthday. “An occasional adversary and a permanent friend,” Kissinger looms large […]
Europe’s economic troubles are reaching a pivotal point. In Spain, where austerity measures has caused a 0.3% economic contraction from Q4 of 2011, unemployment has risen to a record 25% […]
Yesterday (5/30/12), Big Think President and Co-Founder Peter Hopkins moderated a panel at the UN Social Innovation Summit, a private, invitation-only forum that explores “What’s Next?” in the world of Social […]
“We don’t really want what we think we want,” says philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It’s a strange, almost exotic thought at a time when many of us are inundated daily with […]