As African temperature zones shift due to global warming, tropical diseases like malaria are affecting new populations—lack of previous exposure means lower immunity rates.
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Dr. Iqbal Choudhary of Pakistan’s Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences said recently that the use of biotechnology is vital for rapid agricultural and healthcare development.
Is this some kind of sick April Fools Day spoof? Arizona’s Republican governor reportedly has a bold new plan to pit fat Medicaid recipients against kidney-transplant candidates. Jan Brewer is […]
Following Congressional hearings this week on climate change, in a guest post today Ashley Brosius considers the origins of the partisan divide on the subject and suggests several possible paths […]
In a guest post today, Lauren Krizel reports on an event held this week in Washington, DC that gathered some of the city’s top chefs to discuss sustainability and the […]
Maybe the most provocative speaker (although not so much, maybe, to BIG THINK readers) at our conference at Berry next Friday and Saturday will be RONALD BAILEY–the libertarian proponent of […]
The Mets’ David Wright says he now has the confidence to be the vocal leader he’s never been, and the New York Post says it’s going to take that to get the Mets out of their hole.
History is being made; and not just history in human affairs. It is about the history of life on Earth and whether we will find the means to co-operate in arresting the destruction.
The undoing of the company began when a potential investor, after months of search, was ready to put up $1M, but made it clear the founder would have to be replaced.
Reducing corporate speak is in your best interest. Words that provoke concrete imagery or relate to something familiar have a far greater impact.
It may seem crazy, but author John Warrillow says entrepreneurs should build their businesses in a way that makes them easily replaced as the leaders.
Three key elements of Behance’s project management: “Google Docs spreadsheets, Zendesk help desk software, and our own Action Method task management system.”
The Wall Street Journal reports a top government economist’s radical solution to India’s corruption scandals: Paying bribes should be legal.
Amid much schedule-juggling due to her son’s minor illness, Michele Corey had some insights including the need to stop being on autopilot, focus on what most matters and ask for help.
John Kotter on how to ward off an inward focus and start recognizing new opportunities, helping you identify hazards from competitors, customers, or regulatory changes.
After reading a story earlier this week about the problems in Bank of America’s mortgage modification department, I wondered—has the mortgage crisis become so large and pervasive that we have […]
Based on his experience, orthopedic surgeon Jeremy Statton shares some of the things he has learned about sharing bad news with others, starting with doing the dirty work yourself.
Amidst the failed state Somalia, the northern part of of the country, encompassing the colonial boundaries of the former British Somaliland is a functioning, free and fair democracy. Bizarrely, it remains unrecognised by any other country.
“Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate,” Dante Alighieri wrote on the entrance to Hell in the Inferno section of his allegorical masterpiece The Divine Comedy. The English translation usually goes something […]
Over the last year, we’ve been hearing about unrest at the Taal caldera in the Philippines. Last year, PHIVOLCS even raised the alert status briefly when seismicity at the volcano […]
Here is a mystery: where is all the radiation coming from at Fukushima? Since the site is too radioactive to make definitive analyses, physicists and engineers are making educated guesses, […]
Wall Street investment banks will begin trading a new type of exotic financial instrument in which the underlying cash flows of an artist’s creative works are re-packaged into off-balance sheet derivatives
Remember, ladies, there is no “I” in “uterus.” The Republican speaker in the Florida state house has opened in new front in the GOP’s war to control women’s bodies. He […]
What’s with all the microearthquakes under the eastern seaboard? Are we, as a Dartmouth geologist suggests, seeing a resumption of volcanic activity associated with a newly active subduction zone?
I heard he has an ex-wife in some place called Mayors Income, Tennessee And he used to have a consulting business in Indonesia But what’s he building in there? He […]
I am running behind schedule today, so only a brief post – but luckily it is packed with plenty of good volcano info: the latest Global Volcanism Program Weekly Volcanic […]
With unhealthy diets raising people’s risk worldwide for heart trouble, diabetes and other chronic diseases, the hunt is on for better ways to get us all to eat more vegetables and fruits. The answer could be in your nearest vending machine.
The European Commission said that to meet climate goals by midcentury, gasoline- and diesel-run cars must disappear from cities. Its new goals to cut oil use are the world’s most ambitious.
The future of the green cloud may, in fact, be determined by our action or inaction on seemingly unrelated battles like Cap & Trade, says government cloud computing advisor, Kevin Jackson.
The world may have no more than half a century of oil left at current rates of consumption, the British bank H.S.B.C. warns in a new report, as developing countries’ demand surges to new levels.