If you are 15 years old, 50 or 50 x 2 step away from the screen right now and go to a mirror and look…. Did you look carefully? Who […]
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Earlier today many of the internet jihadi forums posted an official audio tape from the al-Malahim media wing, which released all AQAP’s statements. (A note of caution: if it doesn’t […]
City investigators have determined that a great horned own found dead in Inwood Hill Park last month succumbed to avian herpes. The virus is not transmissible to humans. [Photo credit: […]
While I’ve been busy thinking and blogging about drones these past few weeks, things on the ground have continued to evolve even if there hasn’t been a great deal of […]
Rosetta Stone CEO Tom Adams explains why most mission statements are terrible, how you can write a great one — and how to get others on board.
John Boehner’s budget proposal would cause the greatest increase in poverty in U.S. history, according to an analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: House Speaker John Boehner’s […]
MSNBC’s Morning Joe is among the best of cable news options. The program’s analysis and discussion offers cross-talk from a diversity of political thinkers and sharp analysis, packaged with rock […]
A browser add-on for Google Chrome, and soon for Firefox, offers a way to combine Google+, Facebook and Twitter posts into users’ Google+ stream of status updates.
Infringement is different than ‘stealing’ in some very important ways. And yet, industry folks, politicians and law enforcement continue to claim that one is ‘no different’ from the other.
Our always-on society is becoming a Golden Age for introverts, in which it has become easier to carve out time for oneself while meeting the needs of our extroverted friends.
Twitter was conceived as a platform for people to give status updates about themselves, but how we use the medium has changed. Twitter should respond by allowing 280 characters.
Cyber espionage and nation-state-backed hacking incidents appear to be increasing in frequency and severity. What once seemed the province of Hollywood has become real.
Since the past four have been so successful [last year we had 114 posts!], I am putting out a call for people to participate in Leadership Day 2011. To paraphrase what I […]
Forcing President Obama to focus on the debt ceiling issue night after night for weeks on end has changed him for the better. Unfortunately for congressional Republicans, this manufactured fiscal […]
One of the most striking facts about the recent Oslo massacre and bombing by an extremist 32-year-old Norwegian was the sheer amount of pre-meditation that went into the grisly act. […]
I served on a panel, Education in a Digital World, at the Iowa Education Summit today. Here is what I said during my 5 minutes of opening remarks. Good afternoon, We have to […]
Does this picture of a harmless lotus pod give you the howling fantods? I’ll admit, it squicks me a little. Jennifer Abbasi reports on the Popular Science blog that there’s […]
No journalist worth his or her salt should rejoice in the downfall of another. There are plenty of commentators in particular that I could name who infuriate me, who have […]
13-year-old Google is going through a patch of mid-life anxiety. With upstarts like Facebook nipping at its heels, the company is shaking things up in an effort to stay ahead of the game.
Funny thing about fear. By the time you feel it, your body is already quite busy keeping you safe.
Major scientific endeavors like space exploration require decades of planning and funding sources that can weather economic downturns. Will the results of the Google Lunar X Prize competition stand that assumption on its head?
Astronomers have discovered a huge mass of water — some 140 trillion times the amount of water in all the Earth’s oceans combined. This water is 12 billion light years from Earth, evidence that water existed in abundance when the universe was young.
They live in a parallel society, a world apart, where they obey an alien law and pray to an alien God. Their liberal allies foolishly promote toleration and claim these […]
The MLS All-Star game tonight pits league All-Stars against Manchester United. Game time is 830pm EST on ESPN with Thierry Henry and David Beckham suiting up for the MLS side. […]
Joseph Heller’s Catch-22turns fifty this year, and like its hero Yossarian, it seems destined to survive for the long haul. It’s the best kind of literary paradox: a classic that […]
Thierry Henry leads MLS in scoring but close behind is young American forward Brek Shea who bests Henry for goal of the week with a half-field steal of the ball […]
The Link TV network — along with PBS — is one of only two non-profit networks you will find on cable TV. Caty Chattoo, a faculty colleague in the School […]
Today’s lesson from Sherlock Holmes deals with learning to cull and to cultivate knowledge in such a way that your decision process will be optimized for the question at hand, […]
A lone Norwegian man has carried out the largest attack against his country since World War II, exploding a bomb in the capital of Oslo and attacking a camp of Labor Party children.
The White House is warning that world markets could react negatively to the game between Democrats and Republics over who will crack first in negotiations over the nation’s debt.