President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ignored threats of sanctions by the US and declared Iran a “nuclear state” having produced its first batch of level-20 enriched uranium.
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Not being a subject of Her Majesty The Queen, it is difficult for me to imagine the British Broadcasting System: a public media network of radio, TV, internet, podcast, iPhone […]
Super Bowl ads, as a rule, invoke broad stereotypes in the name of cheap laughs. The men are mostly hen-pecked idiots, and the women, shrewish, air-headed skanks. Pam and Tim […]
Oscar Wilde once declared that “the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.” Well, this might be true, but it’s not stopping us from attempting to get […]
Every election year, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) elects to their “Dirty Dozen” list twelve members of Congress who “consistently vote against the environment and are up for re-election […]
There is an irony, although it is hardly surprising, that a very English Revolutionary and devout Parliamentarian, John Hampden, and the family name of “Hampden,” is better remembered in the […]
I can’t think of any artist who suffered as much in his life as Arshile Gorky. Fleeing the ethnic cleansing of Armenians by Turkish troops, he watched his mother starve […]
The Independent’s Robert Fisk meets Palestine’s defiant tunnellers, who scramble through an underground maze connecting Egypt, Israel, and Gaza, smuggling all manner of goods.
A low IQ is among the top heart-related health risks, scientists have warned, suggesting that public health campaigns need to target those with low intelligence in order to work.
British theatrical troupe the Royal Shakespeare Company is planning to build a replica of its Stratford-On-Avon theatre in New York and will run a series of five plays there next summer.
Terrified tourists were left suspended 1,600 feet above the ground in the world’s tallest building, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, when its elevator broke.
Zimbabwe’s prime minister has rejected so-called “indigenisation” legislation, which would require all business operating out of the country to be 51 percent owned by blacks.
Bad weather caused 17 snow avalanches in the Afghanistan Hindu Kush mountain range, burying hundreds of cars on a mountain highway and leaving dozens dead.
“The world is moving fairly quickly on Iran,” remarked US President Barack Obama amid growing fears about Iran’s commencement of a uranium enrichment process.
Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin has been ridiculed in the press for being caught with notes scrawled on her hands on more than one occasion when making public speeches.
Dieters in Hong Kong are being warned by government health officials about the dangers of swallowing parasitic worms, which can grow to up to 15 inches, in the hope of shedding fat.
A newly discovered species of big cat, the Sundaland clouded leopard, has been caught on film for the first time by scientists in the Dermakot Forest Reserve in Malaysia.
Few things have become as underappreciated in recent years as sleep. Yet for anybody who sees this activity as more of a luxury than a necessity in our ever-plugged-in world, […]
A big part of the recent Super Bowl becoming the most-viewed telecast in American history was the story of the New Orleans Saints providing the ultimate celebratory rallying cry for […]
Jay Leno’s primetime show will end quietly tomorrow night. A once-major newspaper editor in England joins the paywall debate. More journalists are being given cameras as the digital age continues […]
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the origin of big, bad, brawny Jackson Pollock’s drip and splatter paintings were a wifely homemaker, mother, and grandmother from Brooklyn? And wouldn’t it be […]
Philosopher BHL has an “existence” rather than existential problem after he made an epic gaffe by quoting a made-up philosopher in his latest book.
American President Barack Obama has vowed to attempt a “global warming bailout” by setting up a new “Climate Service” to track global warming.
Lawyers for Brooke Mueller Sheen, the wife of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen, have said she wants the domestic violence case against him dismissed after the pair were reunited.
A staggering 95% of user-generated content for the second half of last year was “malicious,” according to a report from security film Websense.
Beer drinkers are toasting a new study which suggests that beer is good for your bones as it is rich in silicon and may help prevent osteoporosis.
There now seems “little doubt” that Saturn’s moon Enceladus holds a “large body of liquid water” beneath its icy surface after a probe returned yet more evidence.
The non-religious know their right from wrong just as well as churchgoers, according to new research revealing a strong moral compass among atheists.
Transsexual film-maker Kimberly Reed has wowed America with new movie “Prodigal Sons” which tells the tale of two young brothers and their battle with sexual identity.
Congo has become the “world capital of rape, torture and mutilation” during the brutal war that has killed over 5.4m people and is still raging, writes The New York Times.