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For those of you in DC the next couple of days present a number of different options.Tomorrow the Henry L. Stimson Center is hosting Mustafa Alani to talk about Yemen […]
Having finally caught up, at least for the day, with various projects I decided to tackle the multiplying piles of reading I had beside my desk. But an early article […]
In my continuing efforts to turn Waq al-waq into my own personal calendar – it tends to work better than the plastic bags and scraps of receipts and newspapers I […]
Yesterday at a graduation ceremony for Qur’anic students, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Majid al-Zindani commented on the growing calls for secession, claiming that while reform was necessary one should not confuse that […]
Al-Sahwa is reporting that a mediation team headed up Shaykh Faris Mina’a is currently in the western district of Ghamr attempting to negotiate a settlement. The team is at Shaykh […]
Today marks Waq al-waq’s last day on After some thought and several discussions I have decided to move Waq al-waq to Big Think. I am incredibly excited about the […]
Today I have an op-ed in the New York Times, arguing that killing Anwar al-Awlaki will likely do little to protect the US homeland from AQAP attacks and that instead […]
President Salih announced at a meeting of Yemeni journalists that the government was dropping charges against ‘Abd al-Karim al-Khaywani. Not everyone it seems is happy with the delay in Parliamentary […]
I mean, come on. Locusts? From Somalia? I guess that validates the old axiom, that when it rains, it pours upon your country biblically ironic plagues.
In my inbox today, got an update from MEED, a comprehensive Middle East Business Review, titled “Yemen: The Region’s Failing State”. Now, unless you subscribe to MEED, you won’t be […]
As everyone knows by now, Salih has essentially three main sets of enemies- AQAP, the Huthis, and southern secessionists. As many expected, he is conflating the three, using the world’s […]
For those new to Waq al-waq – and that is most of you – you should be aware that we will delete any comment that uses profanity, as I did […]
For those who missed it or who can’t get enough of me spouting off here is a link to a radio segment I did this morning with Robert Worth of […]
There isn’t much in the pan-Arab papers today with the exception of a small UPI piece in al-Quds al-Arabi denying that the 176 released prisoners have any link to al-Qaeda. […]
This report in the New York Times details the latest drone attack in Pakistan, which killed at least 25 people Saturday.Yemen has long been compared unflatteringly to both Afghanistan and […]
I had meant to post on this fascinating new report from the Middle East Institue on Friday when it showed up in my in-box, but events over the weekend prevented […]
A little less than a year ago Brian and I started this blog. What for me began as an amusing diversion has, nearly 12 months later, become an unhealthy distraction. […]
As promised, I have included Abdulahi’s blog on Waq al-waq’s blogs we read. Sorry for the delay, but I spent a good part of yesterday avoiding work and watching my […]