Art and music is part of what it means to be a human being.
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As an artist I’m more excited then scared about how it’s going to affect the business model or my bottom line.
It doesn’t take a study to explain that being better able to listen to and understand others will make you more successful in your career and your relationships.
“Flipper” isn’t one of them: A team of Scottish scientists report that the animals’ distinctive whistles help label each other, allowing them to stay connected while swimming in a group.
After investigating deadly school bus accidents, the National Transportation Safety Board made recommendations for the development of connected-vehicle technology.
According to a news report, local officials are promoting them throughout the region because they say they are better at protecting homes and property than dogs.
A first-of-its-kind study warns that just one massive greenhouse gas emission could be enough to devastate the global economy.
Not only are machines rapidly catching up to — and exceeding — humans in terms of raw computing power, they are also starting to do things that we used to […]
“We can’t afford it!” Insert the frothing face of the Republican congressperson of your choice above that phrase and you have a pretty comprehensive picture of the current debate in […]
It’s the morning of Wednesday, 13 September 1939. In an America supremely at peace, newspapers hit front lawns with headlines screaming of war. The horrific conflict splashed across the front […]
As a student, Dutch designer Chintan Shah asked himself why so many streetlights were on unnecessarily. He then set out to devise a more economical and environmentally friendly alternative.
“The idea is that education is moving away from a centralized physical location and more to somewhere students can learn from anywhere.”
Did you know you can raise money without having a business plan? You can get publicity for your idea without knowing anyone. You can find love even if you think you’re too busy.
We’ve put ourselves into a very difficult position and the only way out of it is to have involved, informed, motivated owners.
It is a new world where Machiavellian’s vertical hierarchies have been complemented with horizontal webs and networks.
Adult app store MiKandi has produced what may the world’s first professionally-shot porn film in which the actors are wearing Google Glass. The film represents the latest in an ongoing lovefest between porn and tech.
While the idea of breaking the “cosmic speed limit” is purely theoretical, scientists at NASA argue that a warp-traveling spacecraft is indeed possible.
Not literally: For an upcoming exhibit, the Museum of London will display detailed 3D-printed replicas that people can hold. From them, researchers also hope to learn jewelry-making techniques that are all but lost.
Postifier is a tiny device that uses infrared light to determine whether the mailman has paid a visit, and then notifies the recipient when they and their smartphone are within easy reach of the mailbox.
Some states are in particularly bad shape, but it would be dangerous to assume that all is well with public-employee pensions anywhere in America.
The astronomy video blogger Tony Darnell explains why conspiracy theories about COMET ISON are nonsense, but that a meteor shower might be expected in 2014.
By occupying or inspecting or exploring other views of the world you can potentially identify some of the blind spots in our own views.
We don’t think or exist in empty space; we need nourishment from the earth, literally, to live and create.
Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson is giving the late Carl Sagan a fitting tribute by hosting a new 13-part docu-series called “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” on FOX.
The aptly-named Pee Analyzer sends results to an RFID card that’s given to the patron at the start of his evening in exchange for his car keys.
Finnish company Uniqul will soon release a system that allows participants to pay for their purchases simply by looking into a camera. Facial recognition software connects them to their bank account.
Detroit, once America’s fifth-largest city, has filed for bankruptcy. At its hight in 1950, the city was home to more than 1.5 million. Today, it has shrunk to 700,000 residents.
A baby was born soon that is half Hot Chick and half Inbred German. Hooray!
“Demand has to shift from external demand to internal demand, one way or another, if the economy is to continue growing,” said Christian Murck, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China.
My points are modest in what they are trying to prove, or they would be if many people weren’t entirely immodest in what they refuse to discuss.