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     Want to live a longer healthier life? Chill out. And stop lying. For the same reason. Stress is really REALLY bad for your health.             Chronic stress is bad […]
One reason I can’t buy the claim that conservative intellectual has become an oxymoron is that on our campuses it’s so often the conservatives who defend “liberal education.”  I’m going […]
Cake is good. Chocolate cake is better. Chocolate cake with creamy chocolate frosting is even better. Chocolate cake with creamy chocolate frosting and walnuts is great, but getting rich. Chocolate […]
Love him or hate him, Jeff Koons clings to the center of the contemporary art world like few artists today. And love him or hate him, Stephen Colbert and his show […]
What’s the Big Idea? What does the millennial generation want? Today’s recent graduates may still be finding themselves, but the culture has plenty of labels ready. Are they confident or anxious? Rebels against […]
As I’m writing this post, NASA’s latest Mars mission – the Mars Science Laboratory, also known as Curiosity – is just hours away from its destination. By the time you […]
When I go to my favorite political websites these days I have to see “Chick Fil A” as one of the hot topics. The CEO’s against same-sex marriage, but he’s […]
Telephone polls have been in their dying throes for years. At about 12% response rates, they shouldn’t even work now. But they do, so far. That said, pollsters expect them […]
On Friday afternoon, I got a call on my cell phone from an 800 number I didn’t recognize. I let it go to voicemail, and I’m glad I did, because […]
There’s a lot of talk about transparency these days. In the internet age we are letting it all hang out—whatever it is—for better and for worse. And it looks like […]