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There are recognizable patterns of behavior and personality traits that we can look for to give us insight into Lance Armstrong’s reckless actions, so that this whole affair might be a so-called teachable moment.
Over at, its impresario John Brockman poses an annual question to his assemblage of scientists, scholars, writers and other insightful people. This year’s (suggested by George Dyson), was this: […]
Earlier this week, I posted a petition asking the leaders of atheist and secular organizations to support feminism and measures to improve diversity and stop harassment. The petition went up […]
When is a gaffe not a gaffe?  Short answer: When it is said and done over, and over, and over. Take a certain wing of the Republican party, the wing […]
There’s a pervasive notion that a monogamous relationship is the ideal.  Certainly, that’s what most Americans have been hearing for as long as they can remember.  A committed, loving relationship […]