A press release by BP (British Petroleum) today announced that “the volume of oil and gas being collected by the riser insertion tube tool (RITT) containment system at the end […]
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Steve Chapman opposes France’s proposed ban on burqas because in a free society “none of us is obligated to integrate. The Amish don’t. Neither do the Hare Krishnas.”
Attempts to demonstrate Picasso’s communist ties through his art are unnecessary since the painter was overt about his politics, writes the Guardian, and doing so limits the scope of his works.
Should the U.S. bail out Europe by contributing to IMF funds meant to salvage damaged and indebted European economies? We asked for globalization and now we’ve got it.
The New Criterion takes issue with moral relativism and asks after what limits exist to tolerating cultural practices that advocate violence against the defenseless.
“In Europe and parts of Asia, many politicians, political scientists, and citizens have lately developed greater respect for the positive role a constitutional monarch can play in democracy.”
Can investment in the arts be justified as a solution to the economic crisis? No, writes Prospect Magazine, and the illusion that it can or should devalues the arts’ role in society.
MIT’s Yasheng Huang says the U.S. would help repair the global economy more by teaching China about small business administration than politicizing its currency exchange rate.
Anthropologist David Puts explains biological and behavioral differences between men and women in terms of evolutionary competition to win the best mate.
When memory mixes with desire, politicians exaggerate their personalities, says Maureen Dowd who absolves politicians of their lies by giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Having “misspoken” gets American politicians out of their brazen lies, but our English brethren are mystified at our willingness to accept falsehoods and half-truths from our leaders.
Photographer Ansel Adams claimed that the goal of his art was “to rekindle an appreciation of the marvelous.” Ansel Adams: Eloquent Light at the Amon Carter Museum rekindles the marvelous […]
Step away from the spray bottle. A warning email blast went out today from Ken Cook, President of the watchdog organization Environmental Working Group (EWG), alerting consumers to the risks […]
The gap between the rich and the poor has been growing in the United States. The richest 1% of the American population now controls close to 40% of the country’s […]
Not being able to find a demo of Google TV online, I am still at a loss as to why I would want Google TV. It was perhaps telling that […]
Last week our narcoleptic Lenovo laptop dozed off into permanent slumber. Not terribly saddened at its untimely demise, we nonchalantly recycled it (using Gazelle.com) and bought ourselves a shiny new […]
Will the floundering of the E.U.’s single currency persuade member nations to submit to further federation? Andrew Stuttaford says the current crisis may spawn a more unified union.
With declining social mobility and nearly one million under-24s neither in college nor work in the UK, Janice Turner laments the lack of inspiring onscreen and literary role models.
Virginia Heffernan says that what’s happening on the Internet since the introduction of the App Store is akin to urban decentralization and white flight.
“It is no longer a smart social move to brag about not owning a television,” writes Richard Beck. He says the small screen has gone from popular entertainment to popular art.
Bioethicist Arthur Caplan writes that the creation of the first synthetic bacteria demonstrates a new understanding we have of life, but that doesn’t mean life is worth any less.
100 years after Mark Twain’s death, the Mississippi River that inspired his mature writing has changed, and yet, Twain’s ideas remain discernible through it.
MIT is designing commercial aircrafts that use 70 percent less fuel than current airplanes after winning a contract from NASA in 2008; air traffic is expected to double by 2035.
“The economic case for global action to stop the destruction of the natural world is even more powerful than the argument for tackling climate change,” the U.N. will report this summer.
Obama’s deadline for closing Guantanamo having passed, “it’s unclear, as we sit today, whether it’s gonna close at all,” says Matt D’Aloisio, the founder of Witness Against Torture.
Climate change skeptics recently gathered in Chicago to exchange ideas and invectives over the largely accepted claims about the dangers of global warming.
In 1504 no less a historic name than Niccolo Machiavelli, author of The Prince, brought together the two greatest artists of the time to decorate the walls of the Great […]
Here’s the tricky thing about ozone: we want lots of it up high in the upper atmosphere, where it blocks radiation and protects us, but we want as little of […]
“And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden,” Crosby, Stills, and Nash sang in “Woodstock,” the song that tried to capture the spirit of the generation-defining gathering. For […]
When pressed, Rand Paul now says that he would have voted for the Civil Rights Act. But Paul, who just won the Republican nomination for Senate in Kentucky, does have […]