The title Lost in the Cosmos is meant to be a correction to Carl Sagan’s “splendid picture book” Cosmos, which Percy understands as a failed self-help book. Sagan aims to get […]
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Predictably, the suggestion of a state-imposed “porn shield” has alarmed free-speech activists, who say the move undermines the country’s liberal Scandinavian image.
Several sites report increases in the number of requests for people who can perform a wide range of personal and professional tasks remotely.
Is a CEO promoting aggressive selling as opposed to nurturing long-term relationships with customers? These are the types fo signals that will tell you the real health of a company and its long-term outlook.
A long-term study conducted by MIT researchers explains how retaining America’s manufacturing base will prove essential to maintaining the country’s signature economic advantage: innovation.
While Americans like to think of our healthcare system as the free-market alternative to single-payer programs, Switzerland actually has the most free-market oriented system in the west.
Last night was one of the most exciting Academy Awards ceremonies. Some of the excitement came from the incredible performances—Dame Shirley Bassey singing “Gold Finger,” Barbra Streisand popping up with […]
In my latest New York Times best seller Flash Foresight, I share seven principles that can make invisible opportunities visible. Becoming anticipatory both personally and organizationally is crucial. Agility has […]
Nothing hurts like a blown call. Baseball’s bittersweet beauty owes much to moments such as Umpire Jim Joyce’s missing a call to rob Detroit Tigers’ pitcher Armando Galarraga of a […]
“Strong opinion’s aren’t free. You’ll turn some people off. They’ll accuse you of being arrogant and aloof. That’s life. For everyone who loves you, there will be others who hate […]
I was 19, a college sophomore. It was Spring, 1970, and the anti-Vietnam movement was bringing the progressive 60s to a crescendo. Four college students had been shot to […]
Engineers at Oxford University, UK, have created an automated driving system that is currently being tested on private roads around the university and is accurate to a few centimeters.
No longer a curse of the low-skilled worker, automation is coming to professions like teaching, medicine and law. But machines could give us more leisure time, if profits are shared evenly.
A national network consisting of 165 fast electric chargers is now open for use in Estonia, representing the world’s first complete electric infrastructure for hybrid and electric cars.
So lots of readers (about six) have written ME asking for advice on what book they should read to turn their lives around. Here’s my recommendation: Lost in the Cosmos by […]
The popularity of scientific studies of the human subconscious have ballooned in the past decade, but verifying the studies’ results has proven difficult because of biases in academic journals.
The federal government is preparing to put $3 billion dollars into researching the human brain, which over the last decade has become the final frontier of terrestrial science.
A team of American and Italian scientists have found the biology of the human brain to be distinct from that of rhesus monkeys, thought to be our closest evolutionary ancestor.
The five stages of grief have become the stuff of pop psychology but disbelief, yearning, anger, depression and acceptance do not always follow each other in an orderly procession.
Overturning previous studies on the subject of aging and happiness, researchers at Florida State University College of Medicine have found that people generally become happier as they age.
Researchers have successfully “reprogrammed” certain cells to produce more insulin in the body, representing a potential genetic treatment for patients diagnosed with diabetes.
Can’t go over it. Can’t go under it. Can’t go around it. Gotta go through it. Many generations will remember with affection growing up singing the song above. This generation […]
Is American Exceptionalism “the old whiskey bottle we pull off the shelf when we’re feeling down?”
Parents looking to keep their kids from experimenting with tobacco, drugs and alcohol should avoid mention of their own past drug use, according to a new study on human communication.
Just after the FDA approved a special pair of glasses that help restore vision to the blind, a German company has built a system which requires no external hardware to function properly.
Sure, the Allies are advancing… but a snail could do it quicker!
Corporations like Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola have poured enormous amounts of money into creating snack foods and drinks filled with sugar and fat. The result has been a public health epidemic.
Researchers at the University of Washington have determined the molecular structure of certain compounds found in beer that give the brew its bitter flavor and confer health benefits.
I’m an amateur jazz drummer. Last night, as I was surfing my favorite drumming site,, I came upon the most astounding video. Four very young Japanese women all dressed […]
The government should immediately increase the national gasoline tax, say a team of MIT scientists who want the nation to cut back on its use of petroleum-based fuel for driving.