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Harvard Business School’s Robert Steven Kaplan argues in his new book, What You’re Really Meant to Do: A Roadmap for Reaching Your Unique Potential, that success is not about meeting someone else’s definition, but reaching your potential by defining it on your own terms.   
The nano-cinematographers (that’s right, we just made up that word) used a scanning tunneling microscope to move thousands of molecules and make a movie so small it can be seen only when you magnify it 100 million times. 
Science works because scientists form communities and traditions based not on a common set of methods, but a common set of ethical principles.
             The idea of Big Brother government snooping on us, listening in on our phone calls, intercepting our e mails, watching us with all kinds of surveillance devices, offends most […]
May 1, or May Day, or the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, the patron saint of workers, is a day that workers were traditionally given off following the planting of the fields that later became a bank holiday and is today an annual occasion for displays of social unrest throughout much of Europe.