Big Think is posting a series of three videos in which I discuss how to use thought leadership strategically. Surely the tactics of content marketing should connect to those strategic […]
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A galaxy very different from our own may hold the key to seeing what our far future looks like. “We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum […]
In 2011, NewSpace Global learned that some interesting players in Silicon Valley were exploring the potential of Cisco’s Internet Routing In Space (IRIS) project. (Please see “PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES” in […]
The modern dictator needs only to become a client-state to Russia or China (or to be Russia or China), and there is nothing he can’t get away with. We members of open societies have the power to change that. All we need is the resolve.
“Moralities and religions are the principal means by which one can make whatever one wishes out of man, provided one possesses a superfluity of creative forces and can assert one’s […]
I was just thinking, which, it turns out, the brain does not like to do. At least not the purposeful, effortful, stay-focused kind. It’s work to think, to pay attention.
Research into the health effects of cannabis have yielded a mixed bag (so to speak) of results. Predictably, studies that have looked for harmful effects have found them. But there […]
Think you don’t dream? Everyone has 3 to 7 dreams a night on average. Lucid dreaming means that you can control your dreams–with a little practice. AsapSCIENCE provides a helpful […]
In the market for an engagement or wedding ring? Don’t just drop by your local jewelry store. Go on this journey with our friends at VSauce who hunt down the […]
“Scientists are peeping toms at the keyhole of eternity.” – Arthur Koestler
Our opinion leaders and policy makers seem to have been genuinely surprised that Putin has invaded a part of Ukraine (mostly but not only Crimea) and will likely invade more. […]
Phrases that only came out of one man’s mouth because of his kids. “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.” –Aldous Huxley […]
“If I see a spider in my house, I put it in a cup, and then I take it outside. I save it. What is wrong with me?” –Jacqueline Emerson […]
“Those who fear the imagination condemn it: something childish, they say, something monsterish, misbegotten. Not all of us dream awake. But those of us who do have no choice.” – Patricia […]
“Man is certainly stark mad. He cannot make a worm, and yet he is willing to make gods by dozens.” — Michel de Montaigne
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Answer: Junk DNA. Our friends at DNews explain in this video that your face is made up of the stuff. […]
Is this science fiction? Can you really charge your cell phone in the time it takes to check all those voice-mails? Supercapacitors let you bring your cell phone back to […]
Big Think interviewed producer and film scholar Jonathan Taplin to discuss the current state of Hollywood. As much as we get caught up in the glitz and glamour, it’s easy […]
So Professor Jacob Stoll defends the study of the humanities with the thought that all the great economic thinkers from Aristotle to Locke to Adam Smith to Karl Marx to […]
In the closing days of World War II, America recruited scores of German scientists that became the bulwark of our space effort. These scientists of course had shady pasts and […]
Alan Alda recently challenged scientists to explain this simple question to 11-year-olds in less than 300 words. Could you do it? “You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work […]
Are reason and emotion sworn enemies? Many expert reasoners feel they are. But these supposed opposites overlap, emotions have logic and reason often blunders. Plato’s chariot and the anti-Freud can […]
“Master of Modernism and Creator of His Own Song Style” read the posters for Jazz trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong when he appeared in Memphis, Tennessee in late 1931 at […]
Your high school teachers had the best intentions, but they likely featured educational illustrations on the walls of their classrooms that weren’t telling you the whole truth. Our friends at […]
Did you know that your favorite dinosaur in kindergarten, the brontosaurus, never existed? This and 49 other misconceptions about science are pulled out of your head and replaced with facts […]
It’s one of the most beautiful (and terrifying) sights in the world. But what causes it? “If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of […]
Which cologne or perfume makes big cats go absolutely wild? Researchers refuse to say, because they don’t want humans testing it out and encroaching on the natural habitat of wild […]
Heroin addiction continues to receive media attention following the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. His tragic overdose introduced America to the fact that heroin addicts do not fit any […]
In this easy tutorial by popular science teacher Robert Krampf, you can see one of these colors that are not visible to the human eye.
Witnessing a double-rainbow in nature may seem like a mystical experience, according to the famous video shot in Yosemite where the cameraman yells out in bliss: “What does this mean!” […]