The ten US Baptists who were arrested trying to take 33 children out of Haiti say they were “just trying to do the right thing” despite having no legal documentation to do so.
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Audience members present at its launch have noticed something missing from Steve Jobs’ latest Apple offering – apparently the iPad touch screen notebook won’t play flash video.
President Barack Obama will propose a $3.8tr budget for fiscal 2011 that foresees the deficit hitting a record $1.6tr in the current fiscal year but falling by about 4% by 2013.
The results of DNA tests made on the world’s most famous Egyptian king, Pharaoh Tutankhamun, will soon be published, revealing answers to mysteries about his lineage.
Despite recasting itself as a green energy alternative, nuclear power is still mistrusted by many due to recent leaks of radioactive material at more than 20 US nuclear plants.
The United States has exacerbated tensions with Iran by selling anti-missile systems to Washington’s Arab allies in the Gulf region.
The old religion of Voodoo is rising from the rubble in Haiti as, in the aftermath of one of the world’s worst earthquakes, priests and missionaries compete for the souls of the survivors.
Cornell University recently released a study that highlighted a strange twist in the mostly symbiotic relationship between fig trees and fig wasps. The story usually goes like this: wasp lays […]
My mother was a black college student back in the late fifties, when African Americans were protesting segregation and joining together in protest marches all across the country. So when […]
On the extremely cute end of the cuteness spectrum, in Wednesday’s State of the Union Address, was the moment when Obama interrupted his rolling-up-the-sleeves-on-healthcare moment, looked up from his podium […]
Question: would you rather answer to a boss who has his own interests at heart (not yours), or to no boss at all? Would you rather the US switched from […]
Until 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to blow up a U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, Yemen was barely on the Western public’s radar. Ever since, it has found itself […]
The conventional wisdom is that Republican Scott Brown’s upset victory in the special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s vacant Senate seat was a referendum on health care reform. In a […] is a site where you can “create a profile and invite people to leave anonymous constructive criticism about your character.” I’m curious. Who thinks this is a good idea? And why?
Government Ministers in Britain are fond of reminding people here – and abroad – that this country has made much more progress in limiting CO2 emissions than comparable economies. There […]
In the middle of a vigorous political debate last night, the topic of the economy came up. The man I was having this discussion with, a former corporate executive who […]
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today flies to the divided island of Cyprus ahead of a key summit officially held up as the best prospect for Cypriot unification. Both the […]
Democrats once again court Senator Olympia Snowe looking for Republican support after the Massachusetts election setback.
China produces more renewable energy technology and equipment than any country in the world despite the West’s redoubled efforts.
Ten Americans are being held by Haitian authorities after they attempted to leave the country with 33 children who didn’t have passports.
Experiments using levitating magnets at MIT mimic the earth’s magnetic fields and make clearer the possibility of energy through fusion.
It is thought that J.D. Salinger has written as many as ten unpublished novels that now, with his passing, may eventually see the light of day.
After the withdrawal of two State Representatives, the first-ever tea party convention is facing some infighting over how to organize the event.
TV commercials relating to abortion and a gay dating website that have been scheduled to appear during the Super Bowl are causing CBS to navigate an ideological mine field.
The Obama Administration is moving to put missile defense technology in Persian Gulf countries to deter Iran, a move that will require the presence of more U.S. troops in the region.
New solar cells that mimic photosynthesis are reaching the marketplace and being put in unusual places in order to recharge electrical devices like cell phones.
Some of the Indian Independence leader Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes have been scattered into the ocean off the coast of South Africa 62 years after his death.
Depending on how you tally up, Obama gave about eight to ten paragraph-sized clean tech shout outs in Wednesday’s State of the Union Address, and thank goodness for that. The […]
Over the course of 2009, the Dow Jones industrial index grew a healthy 17%. The Nasdaq grew a remarkable 41%. Over the same period the average compensation—the total cost of […]
If you haven’t yet had an iPod, Mac computer, or other Apple product expire on you (hopefully not mid-jog, as mine did – a real let-down), you’re in a small […]