According to Variety, new technology now enables stargazers to get closer than ever to A-List Celebrities on the red carpet on Oscar night tomorrow. As synthesized by Newser, “Several websites […]
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For starters, I would not call this wisdom… I just wasn’t sure how else to categorize it.
This is an interpretation of Niccolo Machivelli’s 1517 imcomplete poem L’Asino. The so-called cynic cold-blooded advisor of evil shows a ‘parenthetical’ aestheticism in his perception of friendship. Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the great prospects of aesthetic politics comes to be a useful tool for the interpretation of Machiavelli’s ‘poetic therapy’.
The NYT reports on a recent surge in China’s foreign direct investment. China is taking advantage of a savings stockpile and cheap energy prices to seure itself reliable flows of […]
Race and IQ tests are two nebulous determinants of nebulous qualities that have incited fractious and controversial reactions as long as they have existed. Many studies of the correlation between […]
It’s not news that neither Playboy magazine, nor the Enterprise generally, is doing so hot. The entire New York editorial office was moved to Chicago recently, and longtime chief executive […]
In a recent editorial for the Wall Street Journal, author of the Bush-era “torture memos” John Yoo warns against Obama’s closing of Guantanamo and effort to stamp out Geneva-unfriendly interrogation […]
David Brooks, in his column, “Money for Idiots,” writes today in the New York Times that although our economic system—and life in general?—is supposed to be based on the idea […]
Ever since US Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins flubbed Canadian Geography 101 during a live CBC interview in 2005, relations between the two countries have been a little awkward. But […]
The alternative but clever Boston Phoenix is convinced that the New York Times editorializing, Princeton teaching, Nobel Prize-winning celebrity economist Paul Krugman is the man to desend, deus-ex-machina-like, into the […]
Lately, Big Think guests have been extolling the virtues of recession entrepreneurship, echoing the idea, essentially, that necessity is the mother of invention. Well, today in the New York Times, […]
The intelligence necessary to track down Osama bin Laden, according to the Telegraph, may travel straight from the Ivory Tower to the desert caves of Pakistan. The MIT International Review […]
Yesterday, web entrepreneur James Currier, the founder of Ooga Labs, launched an open-source encyclopedia for medical information — sort of. Currier’s site, Medpedia, plans to avoid the inaccuracy pitfalls of […]
It is has never been more hip to be frugal. Riding a bike to work is praiseworthy, while closeting the Fendi in favor of a canvas bag is downright noble. […]
The New York Daily News yesterday reports that New York will likely becoome “hotter, rainier and more likely to flood in the coming decades—with sea levels possibly rising more than […]
The first day of Hillary Clinton’s first overseas trip as Secretary of State also happened to coincide with the 67th birthday of North Korea’s “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-il. The Democratic […]
In the years leading up to the election of Barack Obama, and in the weeks since his inauguration, African Americans have been accruing historical milestones with unprecedented frequency. First African […]
It may be we are past the Lessons To Learn stage in this financial crisis, but some, like a few of those very smart people who maintain jobs in finance, […]
Just as obesity rates in the countries reach new highs, Americans and Britons are cutting back on healthier and more expensive foods in favor of cheap, fast food alternatives. Domino’s […]
Even before a U.S. communications satellite and a long-defunct Russian orbiter ran into each other last week and created millions of smaller pieces of debris, the space around Earth was […]
Say No to Prof. Paul Krugman and Bank Nationalization
The specter of a large-scale sabotage on the Internet was raised anew last year with the release of Conficker, an internet worm that crawled out of Eastern Europe through botnets […]
Researchers from the University of Cambridge have discovered that exposure to second-hand smoke could increase your risk of developing dementia and other brain-eating impairments. The research highlighted a 44% increase […]
Under the new two-way power-sharing agreement, Zimbabweans are enthused with a new hope that civil society may take hold in a country Foreign Policy ranked in the top three of […]
Every morning, I walk out the door of my K street condo and hook a left at the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation on 12th Street. Like clockwork, a kaleidoscope of […]
Prof. Paul Krugman, Bank Nationalization! Never!
Georgia Tech wants to know whether hamsters can help solve the world’s energy crisis. “Probably not,” it turns out, “but a hamster wearing a power-generating jacket is doing its own […]
The mortgage crisis, for most of us, was the moment we realized the security of our housing system was in serious jeopardy. Since then, the failure of banks and the […]
A 29 year-old porn star named Stormy Daniels is thinking about running for U.S. senate in Louisiana, in a campagin to unseat Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter, who you may […]