One of my favorite minor masterpieces in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art is Young Woman Drawing (1801) by French master Jacques-Louis David. Or at least it was […]
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Though bold predictions have been made in the past about ending cancer, we are still years away from a cure for cancer, if such a thing even exists. But advancements in prevention and detection are revolutionizing the way cancer is treated.
While reading about the relationship between Thomas Aquinas and insider trading allegations, it occurred to us that the evolution of thinking about any classic crime has an almost-classic arc: deplore; […]
When I first met Tony Blair in 1993 at his house in Islington in North London, I was struck by two things. First, the man who had just recently become […]
Lionel Jensen, Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures, addresses the claim that Chinese currency manipulation is at the heart of America’s fiscal woes.
Michael Desch, Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, speaks to the importance of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process to America’s national security interests.
What are the causes of anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S. today? Scott Appleby, Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, identifies three causes.
The eruptions have been coming nonstop this week. Much of the news has been Hawaii-centric—for good reason—but there has been volcanic activity around the globe as well.
Air pollution is shortening life expectancy in Europe, causing asthma among children and chronic bronchitis and heart disease among over-65s. It is also costing a fortune.
Greek researchers offered fresh evidence of the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, reporting that it helps improve risk factors linked to diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
Twenty-five years after the Soviet-era meltdown drove 60,000 people from their homes in the Ukraine, a rebirth is taking place creating an unlikely refuge for Europe’s strangest wildlife.
Project Icarus is an ambitious five-year study into launching an unmanned spacecraft to an interstellar destination headed by the Tau Zero Foundation, a non-profit group of scientists.
The Anglo-Dutch oil conglomerate Shell has applied for permits to drill just 30 miles off the World Heritage-listed coral reef in Western Australia thus alarming many naturalists.
Many farmers in developing nations can double food production within a decade by shifting to ecological agriculture from use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a U.N. report says.
This week’s Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate saw physicists spar over superstring theory—a theory of everything which hopes to unite Einstein’s relativity with quantum mechanics.
Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic space tourism venture will call New Mexico its home. A new spaceport will open to visitors in the spring for much less than a $200,000 ticket to space.
Have the environmental benefits of energy efficiency have been oversold? Paradoxically, there could even be more emissions as a result of some improvements in energy efficiency.
A showdown over the course of Solar System exploration has ended with a qualified victory for Mars. NASA firmly favours a mission to Mars over a rival one to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.
The best portraits look as if the subject could step right out of the frame and walk among us, maybe even sign an autograph or two. Recently, something like that […]
The Internet, the European Union, and the Olympics are all signs that, within the next 100 years, mankind will forge a truly planetary civilization.
This diagram—not technically a map, but strange all the same—shows the relationship between European countries and the supranational institutions like the EU that govern their interactions.
Google the words ‘baby’ and “owned” and you’ll find a curious phenomenon: many people have put up vids of infants and toddlers getting conked, clobbered, whacked and tripped.
When the Chief Executive of Barclays Bank, Bob Diamond made his appearance in front of a House of Commons Select Committee recently, he said that “the time for remorse was […]
Activity along the newly-formed rift that opened between Napau and Pu`u O`o craters this weekend continues to be active. It isn’t in constant eruption, but it does cycle through periods […]
In the near future, foreign language students will interact online with other students around the globe, creating communities for exchanging language skills.
This drone-like computer virus, radically different and far more sophisticated than others seen before, appears to have attacked Iran’s nuclear program. Its source remains a mystery.
New research suggests that anger makes us more likely to consider a different point of view. So welcome that angry individual playing the role of devil’s advocate at your next meeting.
Wondering how Apple might fare without Steve Jobs? Kevin Kelleher says to look at another hugely successful American company that decades ago lost its iconic CEO — Walt Disney Co.
Planetary geologists appear to have found water on Mars near the equator, where the red planet is milder and more hospitable. This may be key to us being able to go there.
Web visitor tracking and ad tailoring is about to undergo a big shake-up. From 25 May, European law will require explicit consent for users to be tracked via cookies.