When Amy Chua released her memoirs of mothering her children, she created a national debate over parenting. She also meant to shine a light on America’s undeserved self-confidence.
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Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, faces the opposition of palace and military factions who see her brother as a usurper of royal privileges.
The markets are a mess. That doesn’t mean you or your investment reactions should be. When everything is going well, it doesn’t take all that much for good investors to […]
As the Brain Drain Race between wealthy nations heats up, emerging countries will continue to lose any chance at economic stability, while wealthy nations lose potential partners and markets in the global economy.
Nearly killed escaping his native Syria for Lebanon, Rami Nakhle continues to unite activists who oppose the ruling Assad regime despite harassment and threats against this life.
In a time of fiscal austerity, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will fund an initiative to give black and Latino men more access to the City’s civic, educational and economic resources.
At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, researchers from Carnegie Mellon demonstrated how the same facial recognition technology used to tag Facebook photos could be used to identify […]
Randi Zuckerberg, director of marketing at Facebook and sister of C.E.O. and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, is leaving the company after six years to start a social media consulting firm.
Had Piers Morgan stuck with the celebrity thing, I suspect that the hacking storm would have touched him, but not engulfed him. Celebrity twitter is what Morgan knows, and it […]
The Did You Know? (Shift Happens) videos have been seen by at least 40 million people online and perhaps that many again during face-to-face conferences, workshops, etc. This week saw […]
Lately, I have been talking with a couple of start-ups in education that take on the classroom experience. The common problem those developers have is that there are at least […]
Neuroscience and psychology have identified willpower as essential to success in school and beyond. Like a muscle, it can be developed through exercise, and exhausted through overwork.
If we heard anything this winter from Eruptions readers in California like Diane, it was that it was snowy in the mountains. Very snowy. We’re talking 50-100% more than usual […]
I’ve had an interesting conversation with a colleague the past few days about an earlier piece I wrote here, Cool Dudes, Hot Temps: The Climate Change Battle Will Get […]
The term “independent voter” suggests someone who is open-minded. We imagine that the independent voter goes into each election without preconceived ideas about which party to vote for, but instead […]
Theories of globalization that herald a brave new world fail to account for our human nature which is opposed to long-distance interactions for reasons of geography and culture.
When researchers asked runners to repeat a specific phrase in their heads, like “push,” the runners performed substantially better than they had prior to the intervention.
Facebook’s recent acquisition of a small e-book design company has some wondering if the social media giant now holds the future of the publishing industry in its hands.
Between 1 and 2 PM (Hawaiian time) on August 3, the floor to the Pu`u O`o crater collapsed in spectacular fashion – and luckily for us, many Eruptions readers were […]
Information technology consultant Scott Bils says cloud computing and the ubiquity of mobile devices are reorienting the role of workplace technology officers toward business.
The military tends to talk in signs and numbers—and, perhaps most famously, in code. The use of abbreviations and alphabetical systems is efficient. In this week’s New Yorker, we learn […]
The rollout of technology allowing cell phones to be used as credit cards has been so slow that a superior technology is catching up. Biometrics promises a truly wallet-free future.
The Indian government promised the world a $35 laptop a year ago. In a few weeks it will deliver, said Kapil Sibal, minister for human resource development.
One there was ‘Watergate’; now every minor, irritating little faux scandal as the mocniker ‘gate’ attached to it. The latest being ‘Tipgate’, an August silly season story that has found […]
Last night on Twitter, some of us geology-types (including Brian Romans, Yorrike, Volcanojw, Ron Schott, Cian Dawson) had a discussion about “big picture” geology projects. We’re talking about the equivalent […]
Who says you can’t have a good conversation on Twitter? View “Iowa school flexibility” on Storify Image credit:toe touch
In the May-June 2011 issue of the international art magazine Flash Art, performance artist Marina Abramović began a regular column titled “Marina’s Diary,” in which she plans to document her […]
From Amanda, I learn that a couple decided–apparently of their own free will–to have a hobo-themed wedding. Lest you think this post comes from a place of knee-jerk anti-hobo animus, […]
Many expensive “ethics interventions” are doomed to failure because they are predicated on the faulty assumption that individuals always recognize an ethical dilemma when it is presented to them.
I wanted to point out a series of images posted by the NASA Earth Observatory that capture three volcanoes that are currently restless or outright erupting … right now! Well, […]