Big Think expert Dr. Jennifer Doudna, a professor at UC Berkeley and co-inventor of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology, issued a statement responding to a scientist’s recent claim that he helped create the world’s first genetically edited babies.
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The companies launching satellites aboard the SpaceX rocket hope to revolutionize the Internet of Things.
Project Dragonfly aims to help the Chinese government build a censored search engine that would “blacklist” information that officials don’t like.
Time to build a Corellian shipyard?
Mercantilism, the oldest thing in economics, is back in a big way.
The ancients had a cornucopia of holidays and festivities.
Eric Weinstein, Managing Director of Thiel Capital, doesn’t see the journey from excellent to extraordinary as being a continuum, exactly. You don’t get better and better and better and then […]
When it comes to flirting, love meters have nothing on these researchers’ findings.
New research suggests brains anticipate future events through a process called anticipatory timing.
The damage might not be “as bad” as traditional cigarettes, but it’s still pretty bad.
The Solar System’s outermost, undisputed planet wasn’t discovered until the 19th century. Here’s how you can easily find it yourself this December. There’s no greater scientific thrill than discovering something […]
The unmanned lander will help scientists learn more about the interior of Mars and the development of rocky planets.
The CEO once said a self-sustaining Mars colony won’t work if it’s wildly expensive for each person to make the voyage.
A Chinese researcher has sparked controversy after claiming to have used gene-editing technology known as CRISPR to help make the world’s first genetically modified babies.
The year was fraught to say the least. Riots in the streets, engagement abroad in a long-fought war, and an encroaching sense that the fabric that knits us together is […]
Over 9 billion years ago, a distant star exploded. Thanks to Einstein, we’ve seen it multiple times on replay. All across the Universe, matter and energy curve the fabric of space, […]
The Nazis actively searched for Atlantis, seeing it as important to their mythology.
Schadenfreude is a common feeling, but not all of it is the same.
The famous astrophysicist argues why Elon Musk is more important than Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.
It’s not just a case of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
These seven presidents had a window into the future—or were really good guessers.
Amit Tzuk and Ofir Trainin, the subject and director of an FAMILY IN TRANSITION, an Israeli documentary about a small town father of four who becomes a woman.
And do they fundamentally describe our entire Universe, or do we require something else? The Universe we perceive and view, all around us, isn’t representative of what actually exists at […]
And, even with all we know, what still remains unexplained? At a fundamental level, our Universe is made of particles, forces, interactions, and the fabric of space and time. Spacetime […]
A new book tells the very old story in a fun way for a younger generation.
It’s a problem that we still haven’t solved, and it spells doom for all of our low-Earth orbiting satellites, even today. On October 4th, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, […]
Long hidden under trees, it’s utterly massive.
As it turns out, being just enough of a psychopath can do wonders for your creative career.