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If you’re careful enough, you can learn more about the Solar System than you ever imagined. This year, on March 20th, the full Moon will illuminate the night sky. With […]
A new study from the University of Pittsburgh details how the anti-vaxx movement has divided and grown.
So, you want to know about black holes, including how we’re seeing them, what happens when you fall into them, what our future plans for direct and indirect detection are, […]
Even if we don’t destroy ourselves, we always have the Universe to contend with. Wiping out all life on Earth is hard, but causing mass extinctions is easy. The 1991 eruption […]
Melting ice is turning up bodies on Mt. Everest. This isn’t as shocking as you’d think.
The Human Diagnosis Project project is building the world’s “open medical intelligence” system.
Both effects could be responsible for a redshift. But only one makes sense for our Universe. In physics, like in life, there are often multiple solutions to a problem that […]
Do you have a magnetic compass in your head?
On Thursday, New Zealand moved to ban an array of semi-automatic guns and firearms components following a mass shooting that killed 50 people.
They didn’t know it, but the rituals of Iron Age Scandinavians turned their iron into steel.
The Bill Gates-backed venture promises to remove CO2 from the atmosphere at a rate of under $100 per tonne.
If you accept cosmic inflation and quantum physics, there’s no way out. The Multiverse is real. Look out at the Universe all you want, with arbitrarily powerful technology, and you’ll never […]
Both panoramic and detailed, this infographic manages to show both the size and distribution of world religions.
“Here I want to remind all of you of a fact that the U.S. publicly defines outer space as a new battlefield,” a Chinese foreign minister said.
Jody Greenstone Miller is founder and CEO of Business Talent Group. She’s seen companies lose great people simply because of the way management assumes a job must be structured: To […]
A new study, led by psychologist Jean Twenge, points to the screen as the problem.
The only other large galaxy in the local group is larger in size and has more stars. But mass? Perhaps we’re the biggest, after all. The Milky Way is home to […]
A NASA-led study suggests the stress of spaceflight seems to trigger various types of herpes to reactivate in astronauts.
A new method of growing mini-brains produces some startling results.
Archeologists had been doubtful since no such ship had ever been found.
The Canadian professor has been on the Joe Rogan Experience six times. There’s a lot of material to discuss.
The planet has had life on it, in some form or another, for nearly as long as Earth has existed. If you came to our Solar System right after it formed, […]
Rediscovering the principles of self-actualisation might be just the tonic that the modern world is crying out for.
The researchers call it a “competence downshift.”
For Idris Elba’s directorial debut YARDIE, actor Aml Ameen (Sense8, Kidulthood) went back to his family’s Jamaican roots, learning patois and sound clash chat—using method acting to become “D” – a lost soul on a quest for revenge. The process changed him forever.
Does believing in true love make people act like jerks?