Neither one reflects the other; they’re both blue for entirely different reasons. If you’ve ever been curious about the world you live in, you’ve probably wondered why the sky is […]
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From deejays to Debussy, it’s all brain food.
A recent study gives new meaning to the saying “fake it ’til you make it.”
If a fetus is a person, would it be a citizen too?
Why do all of our virtual assistants have a female voice?
No one should be drinking more than 8oz. a day. Here’s why.
The way in which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective Sherlock Holmes solves even the most challenging of mysteries is more than just dazzling fun. In fact, says Maria Konnikova, author […]
There are real problems that our society faces, and only through expert-level knowledge can we solve them. All across the country, you can see how the seeds of it develop from […]
A new Gallup polls shows the rising support for socialism in the United States.
Finally, a means for battling the anti-vaccination movement.
In her new documentary, Maxine Trump tackles the topic of choosing not to procreate.
The cosmic story of us wasn’t inevitable, but the culmination of many chance events. By the time our planet was four billion years old, the rise of large plants and animals […]
And other questions people brought to an “Ask the Philosopher” booth in New York City.
If you thought your mother was pushy in her pursuit of grandchildren, wait until you learn about bonobo mothers.
Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
Are we just making a profit from human emotions?
“There is a kind of whispering campaign — more than a whispering campaign, sometimes a yelling campaign — against the value of objective truth.” So says biologist and author Richard […]
New research shows elevated risks of anxiety, depression, and suicide linked to perfectionism.
A 2019 ranking of all 50 states’ education systems shows the Sunshine State serves its college students well.
The two planets most suited for habitability had very different fates. At last, scientists know why. Imagine the early days of our Solar System, going back billions of years. The Sun […]
Cook’s commencement speech at Tulane University urges students to take action.
Junk food causes weight gain, but it’s not just about the calories.
A DNA test promises to reveal your hidden history — but is it all smoke and mirrors?
A new study shows success in a series of Phase 2 trials.
New computing theory allows artificial intelligences to store memories.
Humanity has long been obsessed with individuals who, in a fit of rage, transform into something not-quite human. Irish mythology serves up another example.
The thin ribbon is a rare and spectacular celestial phenomenon, but so much more than a mere aurora. It isn’t often that skywatchers discover a new naked-eye phenomenon in astronomy, but […]
How many abortions are actually performed? Survey dat reveal the complexity in the raging debate.
The phenomenon that makes our favourite drinks bubbly is, alarmingly, the same one that causes decompression sickness in divers. Why do we still love it?