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Self-Reconfiguring Modular Robotics is going to have some profound consequences for business and society. It will simplify product development, revolutionise distribution, reduce costs so much it can transform our lives. It can also help us reduce our ecological footprint dramatically.
The institution of marriage hasn’t had a good go of it of late.  Not only is the gay marriage debate sparking animosity, but straight marriage has also been the victim […]
A study published today in the journal Stem Cells and Development renders the male gender, evolutionarily speaking, unnecessary. Researchers from Newcastle University and the Northeast England Stem Cell Institute (NESCI) […]
Now come Mr. Barack Obama, he listens to Winston Churchill’s word Jaw Jaw is better than war war. However, he and his untested brightest and smartest guys want to change everything, ENERGY, EDUCATION, AND HEALTH CARE AND FINISH TWO WARS. AND BAILED OUT THE MAY BE 21st CENTRY THE GREATEST RECESSION. rnrnrnI know Mr. McNamara was gone. What about the untested brightest and smartest guys? Are they right this time?!rnrnrnrnrn