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Crying isn’t the sure-fire, feel-good tonic it’s cracked up to be. Psychologists found that the benefits of tears depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular crying episode.
No, no it is not Sada al-Malahim, but News Yemen writes about a new newspaper in Yemen, al-Hayat al-Yawm that devotes a significant portion of its first issue to al-Qaeda. […]
I know Greg posted below about Christopher Boucek’s Carnegie piece, but having read it last night I want to doubly endorse it. It is a large overview, but unlike many […]
Snow and a broken computer have gotten the week off to a slow start, but across the globe in Yemen things are picking up, even though you wouldn’t know it […]
Over the past few days I have exchanged a number of messages with a Yemeni friend about the upcoming London conference – I don’t have permission to post his comments, […]
I often miss things on Yemen here at Waq al-waq, and two of the articles I have missed in recent days have been by academics who study Yemen. (Full disclosure: […]
I am traveling the next couple of days, and blogging will likely be sporadic until I return to Princeton on Wednesday just in time for a talk.In the meantime here […]
Tomorrow the new issue of Foreign Policy hits the newsstands. Inside the issue I have a small(ish) article on Yemen. The article was solicited months ago as part of a […]
The fall-out from al-Fadhli’s announcement continues. (I have a very interesting assessment in my in-box from a Yemen, which I’m hoping to post once I get his/her permission – along […]
For those with any interest, I did a couple of radio spots this morning, although if you are reading this you have probably heard it all before.First on the Takeaway […]
The government has launched a massive campaign against the Huthis. Heavy fighting is reported, in the latest round of this debilitating, years-long struggle, in which neither side seems capable of […]
Just in time for my post on AQAP’s financing, the GAO has released a new report on al-Qaeda financing in Saudi Arabia. (Full disclosure: I participated in an interview for […]
It has been just under a month since I made the decision to drastically reduce my posts – one a month, or so – and while I’m still trying to […]
Laurent Bonnefoy, a bright young French scholar, has a new article out on the Varieties of Islamism in Yemen.I respect Laurent’s opinion, but I don’t agree with everything he says […]
Abdulahi is promising more information on his January interview with Nasir al-Wahayshi on his blog. Along with everyone else I’m excited and waiting. Also of interest our two new Yemeni […]
Neither Greg nor I are energy experts- even The Prize, as gripping as it was, was more or less Finnegan’s Wake for me. And zinc mines are nowhere near as […]
For the past few years one of the more intriguing questions about Yemen has been: what is Muhammad bin Nayyif (Saudi Arabia’s deputy Minister of the Interior) thinking about his […]
Here at Waq al-waq we like to pride ourselves on our gravitas and serious attention to detail and historical fact – except of course when we are talking about swords […]
Yemen, or at least the newspapers in Yemen, are fairly quiet this morning.Trey pointed out that the Ministry of the Interior has put together a list of terrorist that combines […]