Nitin Nohria: I don’t think what you do is you teach leadership, what you do is you help people become better learners from experience so that they can enhance their own leadership.
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When large organizations bring in creative people they often want the outputs or the products of creative people, but are intolerant of the way the creative people operate.
Falcon 9 made history in 2012 when the SpaceX rocket delivered Dragon into orbit for a rendezvous with the International Space Station. Yesterday, following two postponements, Falcon 9 launched its first commercial payload.
The more scientists discover about our prehistoric ancestors, the further they seem to fall down Alice’s Rabbit Hole. Things just get curiouser and curiouser.
So the excellent editor of The New Atlantis, maybe our best journal on technology and society, reflects on the HBO series Stay of Play. It’s all about the parents finding too […]
Our understanding of neutrinos might help us solve one of the greatest questions of all time – why matter won out over antimatter, or why we are here.
“I’ve got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.”-Thomas Carlyle (born on this date in 1795)
Sometimes the toughest shadow to escape is one you cast over yourself. When artist Art Spiegelman began publishing Maus in 1980 in chapter form in the indie comics magazine Raw, […]
“The last decade has been about sharing. The next decade will be about protecting.” – Dave Pell.
This success story is an example of taking your biggest problem and deciding to skip it.
The Chinese just launched another mission to the moon, this time a lunar probe known as Chang’e-3 (named for the mythical Chinese goddess who flew to the moon) containing the Yutu […]
A.G. Laffley on resurrecting tired brands.
You have to have a very quick mind and you have to have this peculiar ability to speak whilst you’re listening.
“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” – Joseph Conrad (born on this date in 1857)
A new study confirms what psychological tests have indicated for a long time, that men and women are each better at performing different types of mental tasks.
Many depressed patients recover, with or without medical intervention, because that’s the nature of the illness. It comes and it goes.
Guest post by Todd Norton (Cross post from If there is one thing I have learned as a teacher, it is that someone outside of the classroom is always […]
The issue is learning the best questions to ask and learning how to interact once you have the knowledge to create new knowledge.
We want to see ourselves in a positive light so we see our own ideas as more important than the ideas of others.
“We recently had to ask a rude customer to leave because of their insistence on wearing and operating Google Glasses inside the restaurant.”
Amazon, the world’s largest retailer, is developing systems to deliver products to customers in 30 minutes or less. How will they accomplish this? With drones, such as the “octocopter” pictured above.
Francis Fukuyama: We are programmed to favor friends and family, and this is the default mode of politics.
While hope remained over the weekend that Comet ISON may have survived its close encounter with the Sun, the 4.5 billion year-old comet fragmented on November 28.
Growth comes first, then more jobs, and then, as higher incomes translate into consumption, more growth… and then more jobs… and then more growth… until the next recession.
Astronomers at the Very Large Telescope(VLT) in Chile are using this laser to measure the distortions of Earth’s ever changing atmosphere.
“If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.” -Woody Allen (born on this day in 1935)
Spoiler warning: To understand this review, you do need to have seen the film. To say this is a spoiler warning implies there is a story to be spoilt. There […]
I loathe Amazon’s book business for a few reasons, but one of the deepest is its Vine program that offers free books to customers who are prolific in their opinions. […]
The experience of awe — in the form of mountains, canyons and outer space — makes one more apt to believe that the universe was constructed “according to God’s or some other nonhuman entity’s plan.”
“When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.” -Jonathan Swift (born on this day in 1667)