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Nitin Nohria: I don’t think what you do is you teach leadership, what you do is you help people become better learners from experience so that they can enhance their own leadership.  
So the excellent editor of The New Atlantis, maybe our best journal on technology and society, reflects on the HBO series Stay of Play.  It’s all about the parents finding too […]
Sometimes the toughest shadow to escape is one you cast over yourself. When artist Art Spiegelman began publishing Maus in 1980 in chapter form in the indie comics magazine Raw, […]
“The last decade has been about sharing. The next decade will be about protecting.” – Dave Pell.
We want to see ourselves in a positive light so we see our own ideas as more important than the ideas of others. 
Amazon, the world’s largest retailer, is developing systems to deliver products to customers in 30 minutes or less. How will they accomplish this? With drones, such as the “octocopter” pictured above. 
Growth comes first, then more jobs, and then, as higher incomes translate into consumption, more growth… and then more jobs… and then more growth… until the next recession.