How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy

People don’t much enjoy working with their enemies. The concept of love your enemies, taken by itself, is also a bit problematic. After all, this seems to suggest you should let your enemies walk all over you. Of course, you don’t have to submit to your enemies at all in order to control your anger toward them. In fact, you can drive them crazy – and who wouldn’t want to do that to an enemy?
The key is to not let your enemies drive you crazy, which is often what we do. There are four types of enemies, in fact, that drive us crazy and these are detailed in Tenzin Robert Thurman and Sharon Salzberg’s new book, Love Your Enemies: How to Break the Anger Habit and Be a Whole Lot Happier.
In a new 7-part Big Think Mentor workshop the renowned Buddhist scholars and practitioners Thurman and Salzberg teach you how to manage both inner and outer enemies by way of love. The workshop is an introduction and accompaniment to their book.
Sign up for a free trail and watch the video here:
In this workshop you will learn how to address…
— The Outer Enemy: The people and institutions that harass, disturb or harm us in some way, as well as situations that frustrate us.
— The Inner Enemy: Anger, hatred, fear, and other destructive impulses.
— The Secret Enemy: Self-obsession and self-preoccupation, which isolate us from other people, leaving us frustrated and alone.
— The Super-Secret Enemy: Deap-seated self-loathing that keeps us from finding inner freedom and true happiness.There are additional lessons on…
— Mindfulness techniques, via guided meditation by Susan Salzberg.
— The four Brahmaviharas
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