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While many businesses are predicting big money from Big Data, Peter Fader thinks that today’s data analysis tools serve us quite well. There is actually little to gain with more data. 
Facebook and Twitter enable us to share ideas and discoveries with incredible speed and efficiency. At the same time, there’s a growing awareness that our identities in these virtual spaces are being constrained in ways we’re only beginning to understand. 
Looking at art is an individual act. Just as wine connoisseurs ritually sniff, swirl, slurp, and (sometimes) spit, I enact my own curious dance before an artwork: moving in, moving […]
Return on Investment. The three words that anyone working in the digital marketing industry dreads hearing. It usually comes right after the pitch, after a slight furrowing of the brow […]
Last week, as you’ve no doubt heard, Dan Savage gave a speech to a national convention of high school journalists in which he criticized Christians’ use of the Bible to […]
The 100-year company is the rarest of all organizations in Corporate America – a company that has somehow managed to survive the ebbs and flows of multiple business cycles, the […]
The copyright on Mein Kampf, Hitler’s infamous 700-page anti-Semitic rant, is scheduled to expire in 2015. Fearing an onslaught of neo-Nazi editions, the Bavarian state has decided to reprint the […]
I’ve never understood those weight guessing games offered at your more low-rent carnivals.  Yet, across the country, people hand over their hard-earned dollars, driven by a curiosity about whether their […]
Several years ago, Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister conducted a study that measured the productivity of computer programmers. Their data set included more than 600 programmers from 92 companies. According […]
For everyone who loves their art and their sports, the upcoming 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England, and the accompanying London 2012 Cultural Olympiad seem a match made in heaven. […]
My friend Sarah Moglia has written an essay, titled Why I Don’t Call Myself a Skeptic, that’s been making waves in the atheist blogosphere. She’s got a thought-provoking argument with […]