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You searched for: happiness

Did you miss the Megalobster, the youth condom, turbine-free wind power, perfect parallel parking, D.I.Y. macroeconomics, the long-life-span Smartphone or the emotional spell-check?
According to some headlines this morning, anyway. The US and Yemen are reviewing possible attacks in what is described as retaliation for the attempted Christmas bombing. While this is probably […]
Okay, let me begin by stating that I know several things about this blog post: It’s probably going to make some people angry, It’s probably going to discourage some people, […]
Where does sad music get its sadness from? A widely accepted notion is that the interval of a minor third—two pitches separated by one full tone and one semi-tone—conveys sadness.
Okay, I think I’ve got this figured out, at least for now… I use five primary tools to post content and resources to the Web: Dangerously Irrelevant – where I put my […]
Some of you know Clay Burell from his first blog, Beyond School. But what most folks don’t know is that Clay was selected by the folks at Change.orgto be their […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn We can imagine a continuum of frequency of technology usage that looks something like this (click on image for larger version): n n People […]
Many apologies for the delay in postings, other work has gotten in the way, but I promise to be better in the future.  It has been an incredibly busy few […]
The government has launched a massive campaign against the Huthis. Heavy fighting is reported, in the latest round of this debilitating, years-long struggle, in which neither side seems capable of […]
My annual review said: n n Dr. McLeod’s work with schools is exemplary but inappropriate. n I knew then that, despite the fact that we liked each other a lot, […]
Listen to this post! The December 2006 issue of NASSP Bulletin has an article by Drs. Chien Yu and Vance A. Durrington, assistant professors at Mississippi State University, on practicing […]
Well, we’ve reached the holidays again, so Eruptions will be heading off on its annual Holiday break. After this rather busy semester – academically, professionally and volcanically – I need […]
“Happiness, like knowledge, and unlike belief and pleasure, is not a state of mind.” University of Texas at Austin philosophy professor David Sosa on the requirements for felicity.