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There is an irony, although it is hardly surprising, that a very English Revolutionary and devout Parliamentarian, John Hampden, and the family name of “Hampden,” is better remembered in the […]
Writing in the New York Times, Bono makes his case for anti-piracy legislation. For the first time in the Financial Times’ history, online and print subscribers now contribute more revenue […]
A new social media website named Blippy answers the question: “What are your friends buying?” by making their credit card transactions public.
How do you tell a Rembrandt from a non-Rembrandt? Even the experts have been stumped, and they’ve been stumped for centuries since Rembrandt himself passed away. Drawings by Rembrandt and […]
Imagine a device that would resemble an ordinary book, where 50-100 pages are made of electronic “ePaper” with “old” paper feel texture plus the advantages of gadgets like the Amazon’s Kindle: virtual bookshop, subscriptions, etc. You buy every book you want from the eStore and the content is updated on this device. rnrnHere you have the old book reading/feeling experience with the advantages of today’s kindle-like features. Not an eBook but a “feelBook”.
Here on the Nicola Peninsula in Costa Rica, the medical news that dominates headlines today is not swine flu but a mysterious affliction called grisi siknis(or “jungle madness,” in the […]