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You searched for: happiness

Next time your partner asks you “Do I make you happy?” you might think carefully before responding. New research published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization this month […]
So, here’s the question for today: How should we respond when people we admire make serious missteps? Just so there’s no confusion, I want to say right up front that […]
A dramatic worldwide shift from defined benefit to defined contribution plans has also given employees the ability to take planning into their own hands. But with this freedom comes a confusion: What’s the role of the employer versus the role of the employee in all this?  
Nearly two decades ago, I walked into my first Abnormal Psychology class.  Given the course title, I thought I had a pretty good handle on what the subject matter would […]
Editor’s Note: Please welcome Korey Peters, who’s written a guest post about an atheist organization he’s founded that he’s calling the Calgary Secular Church. In this post, he’ll explain what […]
Both links/excerpts come from Eric Barker at the reliably stimulating Barking up the Wrong Tree. First, strong relationships. Via The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel […]
I’m generally not so big in thinking in terms of decades or generations or centuries or hunks of time in general. Consider the Sixties.  Is that decade really characterized by […]
Garrett Jones, guest-blogging for Megan McArdle, classifies memorable experience as a “consumer durable,” since the satisfaction lasts and lasts. Jones writes: People often shrink from driving to a distant, promising […]
Happstr is a mobile app that allows you to mark geographical locations where you’re feeling happy, and to see others’ “happiness spots” on the map. Happstr challenges users to focus […]
If you’re not already, you should be reading Surly Amy‘s ongoing post series asking men who are leaders in the atheist movement to speak out against the sexist hate and […]
SSA Week is ongoing, as atheist bloggers come together to raise money for the Secular Student Alliance. At the time this post was published, they’ve collectively raised $65,000 out of […]