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We all dream of mastering a skill like a pro—to skate like an Olympian, sing like an Idol, or go to the hoop “like Mike.” What if we could learn […]
The mission would have to take advantage of next alignment of Earth and Mars, which occurs in 2017. Miss that window and we’ll have to wait another 15 years to take advantage of the orbital dynamics of the planets, which significantly reduce the distance and cost of the trip. 
Overcoming a limited belief requires ignoring that little voice in your head that says, “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough”, “only so and so people can do that” – one could spend a lifetime coming up with excuses.
Shunryu Suzuki’s role in spreading Zen Buddhism in America cannot be understated. While he never accomplished the widespread recognition that another Suzuki, Daisetz, achieved a half-century before Shunryu’s arrival in […]
“Hence the competition […] was sharp between book and book, brain and brain, constituting […] almost a gladiatorial spectacle for the entertainment of the sophisticated.” –A. R. Hall, Philosophers at […]
Inspirational leaders understand and can scale the distinction between doing something and, as capitalists, making money versus doing something in order to make money. 
Fewer than 14% of American silent films still exist today in complete form according to “The Survival of American Silent Feature Films: 1912-1929,” a recent Library of Congress report by […]
When Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque first brought Cubism onto the modern art scene in the first decade of the 20th century, the initial reviews were mixed. Like-minded artists and […]