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My experience with the Trappist monks of Mepkin Abbey holds some valuable lessons on how to get and maintain trust.
As more institutions take advantage of improved tracking methods, all kinds of unusual information is being sold to data brokers, and there’s still not a whole lot you can do about it.
Editor’s Note: I recently read and subsequently tweeted about Submergence, the new novel by J.M. Ledgard.  Then I asked one of the smartest people I know – Brian O’Neill – […]
So BIG THINK published a sensible little essay by the distinguished public intellectual John Gray.  He says don’t think about immortality as something you can achieve through your own efforts. […]
While Americans observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the historic swearing-in of President Barack Obama to a second term today, using the bibles of Lincoln and MLK, across the […]
I’m a little wary of defending The Great Gatsby. Not because I’m wary of the book, which I’ve loved with a passion since age sixteen, but because I can’t speak […]
Members of the philosophy department at San Jose State University reacted angrily last week when they were asked to consider incorporating Harvard political theorist Michael Sandel’s online Justice course into […]
Have you noticed how women in almost every professional field today are subjected to a hotness rating? Here’s a rating of the sexiness of women in academically elite colleges. Then […]