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When Fast Company came out with its 96 lessons for 2013 from leaders across the business spectrum, I expected to find a stereotypical list of lifestyle changes and recommendations for […]
Writer Tom Chatfield says no: Despite the proliferation of mobile devices, there are still people who appreciate the transporting experience that console gaming can provide.
George is one of these people who is constantly giving away jokes, sharing ideas, letting other people take credit for the work that was done collectively.
Writers and historians enjoy making the case for one or another thinker as the starting point for an epoch. Did Galileo launch the scientific revolution? Or was it Copernicus? Or […]
This week, Business Insiderwrote about a study reporting the sad news that women are just not selling screenplays at the rate of men. In fact, they’re grossly being left out […]
If you know only one work of modern art, it’s probably The Scream. More people know that “Mona Lisa” of modern angst than know the name of the artist that […]
Shengren, Junzi, Ruxue: The Chinese World is Coming Back in Full Circle “…the creator, when he arises, always finds himself overwhelmingly outnumbered by the inert uncreative mass…” – Arnold J. […]