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Solstice might just be my new favourite (non-)holiday.  As the sun peaks its highest excursion relative to the celestial equator, we experience the longest day and the shortest night. This […]
Nobody goes to a baseball game to watch the umpires, so why would someone go to a museum to see an exhibition dedicated to an art critic—one of those arbiters […]
Human beings have long been engaged in dramatic struggles. We want to honor our better angels, yet our demons wait on the corner, smirking. They know we’ll crack. Evolution has […]
Beida vs Tsinghua – China’s world class universities and global players BEIJING– Beida and Tsinghua are the two most prominent universities in China, a country of 1.35 billion people. (There […]
The Running Chicken is a goofy name for such a beautiful emission nebula. The moniker is a fitting one considering that this “chicken is laying eggs” that may form into […]
Supermoons are both super and common, but they’re only a tiny slice of our nearest neighbor’s magnificent journey. Image credit: ESA / NASA and the International Space Station. “O, swear […]