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The magic “x-factor” that people talk about when they talk about talent is not so magical: it’s simply a matter of hard work. And no other craft reminds one of […]
Well, you can’t miss the new film Lincoln.  Here’s the big reason:  Daniel Day-Lewis’ Lincoln is pretty much WHO we will think of when imagining the person “Father Abraham” from now […]
This is my second installment in a series on excellent TV shows and the 2012 election. I’m skipping over Girls for now and turning to the HBO series Big Love. […]
I’m looking at Jonathan Jones’ incredibly bizarre article in The Guardian (of all places), which undermines and short-circuits an important moral discussion, about Tony Nicklinson and the right to die. […]
There’s no such thing as universality in art, says Stephen Greenblatt. We always create and read from the perspective of our own time and place. What then accounts for the curious power some works have to communicate with us directly across the centuries?
The GRAMMYS turned out to be one of the classiest and most entertaining award shows ever.  Certainly the show blew away the Super Bowl on both fronts.  Even the commercials […]
Five years ago this June, Cormac McCarthy appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Given McCarthy’s legendary reticence (he had done only one major interview in the past, with the New […]
This year I started writing a column in the SAI Report, the monthly PDF newsletter put out by the School Administrators of Iowa for its members. With SAI’s permission, I’ve […]
Tony Blair‘s sister-in-law has converted to Islam after having what she describes as a “holy experience” during a visit to Iran.  Journalist and broadcaster Lauren Booth, 43 – Cherie Blair’s sister – now […]
“How do you get your hands on power? And how do you keep hold of it once you’ve got it?” The Economist says that management gurus are surprisingly disappointing on this subject.