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When blue printing your SEO or Traffic strategy, it is very important to factor in algorithmic changes in search engine land. One day you can be riding high with a Ton of traffic producing a ton of money, the next day you are no where to be seen in the search engines. There are many different SEO tools that keep you ahead of the curve, so that you are prepared when it happens.
10 Billion Beats is a non-commercial Global Intention Event that will use drumming to send a wave of positive intention around the world. Starting in Central Kansas, it will follow the sun through the time zones at 7:00 PM on Sept. 18, 2009. (Sept. 19 as it crosses the dateline)
As a website devoted to providing an interactive, online forum with global thought leaders, you can imagine our dismay when we read Nicholas Kristof’s evisceration of “experts” in today’s New […]
Yesterday, web entrepreneur James Currier, the founder of Ooga Labs, launched an open-source encyclopedia for medical information — sort of.  Currier’s site, Medpedia, plans to avoid the inaccuracy pitfalls of […]