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Well, I guess the south of Yemen isn’t really considered Dixie, but I also hate coming up with titles, so we’re going to stick with it. Over at the BBC […]
Despite the warnings of my better angels, I couldn’t resist a quick read through of the Nasir al-Wahayshi interview posted to jihadi sites. What can I say, for me a […]
A broader take on Quora n Quora is a new startup, founded by talented ex-facebookers, which is currently the topic of much discussion and investor lust. It is a Q&A […]
I read an interesting article on USA Today’s website: “Some ditch social networks to reclaim time, privacy” n The reporting is on the trend of more and more people quitting […]
I pay attention to what smart people pay attention to. n I moderated a panel on social media yesterday for IPN, and got really deep into using facebook and twitter […]
The murky picture surrounding Yemen’s counterterrorism raids yesterday is now beginning to clear up a bit. It seems as though I was not the only one who was a bit […]
There are two new articles out on Yemen both asking roughly the same question: Is Yemen the next Afghanistan. The first by Diane Tucker of the Huffington Post relies mostly […]