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I have a friend who suffers from chronic pain.  She has tried meditation, acupuncture, opioids, yoga and all manner of other remedies.  Chances are, if anyone, anywhere, has said something […]
What secrets might one single biological pathway be harboring? The RAS family of proteins have a unique role.  They act as a sort of relay, an on/off switch, if you […]
On February 20, a conservative Christian group, the National Center for Law & Policy (NCLP), filed a lawsuit against the Encinitas School Board for teaching yoga in public schools. The […]
NOTE:  I originally posted this column in 2012, after the Maryland Court of Appeals reversed a conviction based on the collection of a DNA sample from a suspect.  This case […]
“All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell….what I’ve come to learn is […]