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Over recent years a new industry has exploded that sells educational interventions purportedly based on neuroscience to schools. In 2006 a paper published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience reported that teachers […]
The negative con­sequences of conducting relationships at arm’s length, round­-the-clock, and simultaneously, and only with those who reinforce one’s worldview. 
You just absolutely cannot separate the affects of genes from the affects of the environment, so all we can do is identify the resources that we have in our environments and maximize them as best we can.  
The scale is not your enemy — it can be your friend if you know how to use the results as feedback data, not something to get emotional about. 
Prices are the magic in free-market stories. But what if prices were never right? Then free markets wouldn’t work as their fans claim. The ‘markets in everything’ crowd don’t tackle […]
Jascha Kaykas-Wolff is the CMO of Mindjet, and is an exceptional marketing leader. Last week, Jascha posted a short slide deck that covers how he builds marketing organizations.  I worked […]
Embracing messiness and understanding that it is a contribution to the creative process is something that writers and creative types have got to cultivate.