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You searched for: graphics

A small startup company called Extrality is working on augmented reality flashcards for phonics. They’re calling them SmashCards. The idea is to embed interactivity into what look like ordinary flashcards, […]
There’s a lot of stuff that comes through my Twitter stream. In addition to independent tweets, there also are my posts from here and Mind Dump, my Delicious bookmarks, things that […]
Every now and then, you’ll meet someone who loves physical books. Maybe you’re that person. But increasingly the p-book (physical book) lover is a minority. Ever since Amazon released the Kindle, […]
Like Godzilla, Charlie Sheen’s “My Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour continues to roam the countryside, fortunately leaving ontological, rather than physical, destruction in its path. In New York City, however, […]
The Japanese Web site Information Architects has once again created a wonderful graphical representation of the most popular Internet destinations. Here, the 200 most successful websites have been located on […]
Seth Godin passed along this video at Pwn or Die, noting that it’s pretty disturbing to watch the graphic intersection of commercialization and children. From a marketing sense, however, you have […]
I don’t often blog about specific technology tools, but I just ran across a service called Kwout (pronounced ‘quote’). It lets you quickly take a screen shot and then post […]
Karl Fisch and I are very pleased to announce the new version of Did You Know? Did You Know? 2.0 As you’ll see, we tried to minimize what some perceived […]
Is anyone else tired of the constant struggle to get the federal government to invest in our nation’s future (hello, there’s a T in STEM!). I confess that I’m getting […]