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Non-human animals are a lot smarter, and less “reflexive” or “instinct-based” than most people think. And maybe we humans are a bit more reflexive than we’d like to believe.
Dr. Rosabeth Moss Kanter , who is perhaps our nation’s leading expert on organizational change, outlines ten reasons that drive resistance to educational change initiatives: Surprise, Surprise! Decisions or requests […]
Australian researchers have found that women who tilt their faces forward are seen as more attractive, while men are considered better-looking when they tilt their heads backward.
A new meta-analysis shows a large majority of subjects for psychology experiments have been U.S. undergraduates, a population from which one should be wary of making generalized conclusions.
Loved ones of the writers for Waq al-Waq sometimes get nervous about the obsessive focus on Yemen. And its true: we both at least subconsciously tie every news item we […]
“Why do powerful people with so much to lose push so hard to squeeze out a little more gain for themselves?” Psychologists say power can make people blind to their own actions.
Last week I vowed to pay more attention to replication in psychology experiments. Repeated experiments are an important test of whether a finding is “really out there” or an accident, […]
Are our cities making us unhappy? The diversity of plant life surrounding us affects several quality of life metrics such as the ability to concentrate, relax and make major life decisions.