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You searched for: Robert M

Today, north of the border, in one of my favorite Canadian cities, there is a book launch for Michelle Shephard’s new book, Decade of Fear: Reporting from Terrorism’s Grey Zone. […]
Yesterday was Constitution Day.  Let’s face it.  It’s a commemoration that hasn’t caught on. A few years ago Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia snuck through some legislation requiring that every […]
Yesterday, I posted links to article by myself and Ginny Hill on Yemen.  Today, I’ll add a number of other interviews by commentators on what is happening in Yemen.  Stacey […]
When arrested in 1936 during a protest over the dismissal of 500 artists from the WPAFederal Art Project, Lee Krasner told the unsuspecting police officer processing her that her name […]
Well, I’ve really enjoyed this week of guest blogging.  As an academic whose professional livelihood requires writing according to lots of strict formatting and content guidelines, I find a lot […]