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You searched for: positive thinking

My latest roundup of links and tools… America is not competitive A majority of Fortune 1000 executives surveyed give the American pre-college system a failing grade. As Andrew Trotter reports […]
Robert Fried says… Like Jacob, the biblical youth who sold his patrimony to his brother Esau for the equivalent of a Big Mac, our youth are cajoled into giving up their […]
Change. It’s inevitable. It happens whether we want it to or not. But sometimes we embrace it with open arms and sometimes it drags us kicking and screaming… Many have […]
Have you heard of Rebecca Black?  If not, you may be living under a rock. Her (sickly-sweet-teeny-bopper) song recently got over 62 Million views on Youtube in less than 50 days. […]
I know I don’t really start until tomorrow, but I thought that I’d publishnone blog post today to try and create a little context for the things I’llnprobably say this […]